Large comb have difficulty with new feeder?

I didn't change for waste. More to help keep my dogs out and to allow more in the auto feeder area for longer weekends when I'm gone. I think they might be slightly less plump but not sure. They get lots of sup feeding too. Egg production is still good.
You'll have to track BCS over time. Now since your dogs were in the feed... might track their BCS too. LOL
You'll have to track BCS over time. Now since your dogs were in the feed... might track their BCS too. LOL
Oh god. Let me tell you about how fat my 11 yr old lab mix got getting into it. Freaking turd! I had her down to 1 cup of dog food a day. She looks all mad. I'm like well if you were not hoarding the chickens food! Lol

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