Large lump on hens thigh


Sep 4, 2018
Two days ago I noticed a large ping pong ball size hard lump on my hens thigh. She cab still fly, stand, and walk fine. It seemed bad and I cut it open thinking it was a cyst and there was white hard stuff inside but it was stuck to her skin and too difficult to remove without making her bleed. I bandaged her up after some time and its still the same size and the cut is healing but the spot doesn't look great. I really prefer not to pay for a vet and is there anything I could do at home?
That was two days ago and this is her today
20200601_122958.jpg 20200601_124421.jpg
It would be hard ro know whether that is a tumor or something else. Has that been there long and how fast has it grown? Ingrown feather cysts can be common, and there would be solid yellow pus with a feather inside. A couple of chicken viruses—Mareks disease and Lymphoid Leukosis, can cause tumors on the skin. If you cut into those, they probably would have a large blood supply. So, it seems more like a tumor from the sound of it. I would look her over for any other lumps.
It would be hard ro know whether that is a tumor or something else. Has that been there long and how fast has it grown? Ingrown feather cysts can be common, and there would be solid yellow pus with a feather inside. A couple of chicken viruses—Mareks disease and Lymphoid Leukosis, can cause tumors on the skin. If you cut into those, they probably would have a large blood supply. So, it seems more like a tumor from the sound of it. I would look her over for any other lumps.
It hasnt been there long, I gave her a bath a few weeks ago and it wasn't there. I didnt find any other lumps. Also she hasn't been eating and drinking much. Is there anything else I could do for her?
I’m not sure there is anything you can do except try to get her eating and give her supportive care. If you could see a vet that would be great, but if not and you lose her, I would get a necropsy to find out what the growth is. Your state vet can be contacted from this list:
I set up an appointment to take her to the vet, but she's been panting nonstop and overheated. Ive kept her in air conditioning with ice occasionally. Could her wound be overheating her?
You can set them in a shallow pan of cool, not cold water halfway up the legs to cool off. If her problem is one of the viral tumors, she could be having more symptoms. Is she isolated or possibly stressed from separation or being handled? Let us know what the vet thinks.
You can set them in a shallow pan of cool, not cold water halfway up the legs to cool off. If her problem is one of the viral tumors, she could be having more symptoms. Is she isolated or possibly stressed from separation or being handled? Let us know what the vet thinks.
I took her to the vet today and she has a fever, they said to give her antibiotics that i have (liquamycin) and half of a baby aspirin twice a day. They didnt want to operate to remove the growth because her fever couldn't handle surgery. They said it could be a Mareks tumor or possibly just an infection from a cut. He also said it could be an infectous somrthing but I didnt catch what it was. So for now I have to get her through her fever and I guess let her live with it?

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