Largest Coop on Skids???


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 11, 2008
Who has the largest coop on skids? Do you have pictures?

I just built a Catawba tractor for the interm but want a bigger coop soon. We have about 4 acres fenced for ranging and want a nice flock of laying hens.

Plans are to build the largest coop(s) we can on 4x4x? skids so it is movable. This way they can help fertalize the pasture even when they can't get out and roam.

You'll want to think about using larger lumber than that, if you're talking a Large structure. Big skiddable horse shelters typically use 6x6 or sometimes even 6x8 (custom milled) lumber. Otherwise you have an awful narrow bearing surface on the ground, and not so much wood to attach your structure into to withstand the forces of being jerked and wibbled around during moving.

Good luck and have fun,

Very true Pat. Had not thought about that. I have some 6x6 that should work just fine.
Try to find some photos of the egg producing houses in Petaluma in the early 1900's. These were really large structures moved for Free Range egg production with horses. I have some of the old photos some where. If I find them I'll try posting them.
My coop is built on 4x6x16 skids. The coop is 5 1/2 wide and 15 long. I've moved it a couple times so far so the windows face north in the summer and south in the winter. I've only moved it during dry periods and it hasn't torn up my lawn. The front of the skids are cut at a angle to help reduce any digging into the lawn. Moving it consists of doing a rather large figure 8, because the turning radius on it stinks.
My coop is built on 4x6x16 skids. The coop is 5 1/2 wide and 15 long. I've moved it a couple times so far so the windows face north in the summer and south in the winter. I've only moved it during dry periods and it hasn't torn up my lawn. The front of the skids are cut at a angle to help reduce any digging into the lawn. Moving it consists of doing a rather large figure 8, because the turning radius on it stinks.
redoak, any chance you've got some pictures that you can post of your coop's skid system? We are working on a system and looking for ideas!


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