Lash Egg? Necropsy (graphic)


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 8, 2014
I had to put down a hen that was approx 4 years old.
The research I did online pointed me to the diagnosis of Salpingitis & or lash egg (please correct me if i am wrong) .
The hen started out in the middle of winter laying a couple small yellow ball looking things that looked like an egg yolk I thought it was just a deformed egg and thought nothing of it.
My hen then stopped laying eggs altogether and I thought maybe it was the unusually cold winter we had this year or she was just done laying from being older. Anyways she was normal for a few months then I noticed the hen started eating less and I picked her up one day and felt a hard mass that alarmed me. the mass seemed about as big as an orange , I put her on antibiotics gave warm baths etc and I even tried to fish out the mass but it was too large to come out and i did not want to stress her out anymore as she was getting wobbly and not moving much etc.. I knew the end was near so I ended her suffering humanely . And below are the pics and a video of what I found inside of her. I did the right thing putting her down ,hopefully someone gets some info from this post to help diagnose their sick chickens.

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Wow. Poor thing. No wonder she felt so bad. You did the right thing.
Yea all of that rubbery gunk inside of her would be equal to approx 5 eggs I am assuming it pressed against her organs etc. That was the last hen of my first batch of 6 but the only one with that died of this problem.

She seemed less active with no buddies around long before she got sick. Maybe being alone caused her stress and contributed to her getting sick since chickens are social animals. I noticed her looking at herself in my car rims on occasion and she seemed to enjoy me making chicken noises to her lol.

At least I learned something and that is to check them for masses like this once in awhile when it could possibly be treated and if there is weird looking things coming out of them then its a good idea to start treatments.

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