Lash eggs from older hen

I am no expert on lash eggs but from what I understand, they are made up mostly of pus from new and old infections in the oviduct. I have an old hen that at 6 years old and had stopped laying, began laying lash and pus ball eggs. She appeared not to feel good at all. So I ran some Amoxicillin through her for 10 days and she cleared up completely. She is almost 8 now and she has no oviduct issues what so ever.
My hen is about the same age as yours with the same symptoms. In my last ditch effort I started giving her doxycycline with lots of water. I diluted hard boiled egg yolks with water so I could squirt small amounts into her mouth. I went into her coop the next day, not sure what I’d find, and surprisingly, she seemed a little better. Repeated routine, gradually increasing more eggs. Soon she was eating on her own. She’s out happily free ranging now and almost back to her old self again. She still has a ways to go but I’m so pleased with her recovery so far. Thank you for sharing your experience. I appreciate the feedback:)
My hen is about the same age as yours with the same symptoms. In my last ditch effort I started giving her doxycycline with lots of water. I diluted hard boiled egg yolks with water so I could squirt small amounts into her mouth. I went into her coop the next day, not sure what I’d find, and surprisingly, she seemed a little better. Repeated routine, gradually increasing more eggs. Soon she was eating on her own. She’s out happily free ranging now and almost back to her old self again. She still has a ways to go but I’m so pleased with her recovery so far. Thank you for sharing your experience. I appreciate the feedback:)
Is she still doing well? My hen might have Salpingitis. Getting some Baytril tomorrow. Just looking for info on if it can actually be cured...

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