Last Check Before Lockdown— Duck eggs alive?


In the Brooder
Jun 30, 2019
I... am not quite sure what I’m looking at for some of them... this is only my second time hatching and my first batch wasn’t so good.
Some of them had... messed up air cells, and some of them are.. yellow-ish and their veins are there but barely

please let me know if any appear dead. Lockdown is on the 29th.

^ egg 1


^ egg 2

^ also egg 2

^ egg 3... veins are visible, but it’s very... is the yellowish hue normal?

^ egg 4

^ egg 5.. has a black blotch or two right there
Also, should I float test them...?

If you think that they could be alive, why would you float test them?

Patience is the virtue you need right now. Unless your incubator is urgently needed for another batch, just sit tight. Some of those look good to me. Unless they are oozing, stinky, and in imminent danger of exploding, you do not need to remove eggs before lockdown. You can, but you don't need to.

BTW, you are waiting the full 28 days plus 2 safety days for the slow guys, aren't you? (Unless they are Muscovies, then it's 35.) I ask because some of your photos look a bit earlier than lockdown stage.
If you think that they could be alive, why would you float test them?

Patience is the virtue you need right now. Unless your incubator is urgently needed for another batch, just sit tight. Some of those look good to me. Unless they are oozing, stinky, and in imminent danger of exploding, you do not need to remove eggs before lockdown. You can, but you don't need to.

BTW, you are waiting the full 28 days plus 2 safety days for the slow guys, aren't you? (Unless they are Muscovies, then it's 35.) I ask because some of your photos look a bit earlier than lockdown stage.

I’m not sure what I’m looking at in a few of the air cells. I don’t remember seeing a gray, hollow like space below the air cell in my last batch—which is why I was wondering if I should float test the ones I think are dead. I’ve heard of eggs exploding, so I just wanted to make sure.
Anyways, today is day 24, so we’re approaching the lockdown stage, but I figured that I’d post early just in case I got no replies. The last thing I want to do is chuck an egg that’s still viable, but I also don’t want to wait on any eggs that can be proclaimed dead now.

Thank you for your response ;))
Don't stress about the gray spots. The ducks who are setting don't. Your duckling is almost done with that shell. If it got a little grimy or moldy, who cares in a day or two? I only remove eggs that are stinky or oozing.

However, if we're talking about an eating egg, some of that dark stuff can affect the flavor. But we're not talking about an eating egg.

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