Last night's visitor


Apr 21, 2010
a little north of Columbus, GA
Went out to close up the chicken coop, and EEEK! Found half of this guy extending out from under the coop. This is after he saw one of the cats and rearranged himself to look scary:

110621_5445 by wsmoak, on Flickr

He had several lumps so I checked under my broody hen to make sure he hadn't gotten any of her eggs. Nope, he's probably full of toads. He was under the coop looking up through the wire, and hadn't figured out how to get in the door yet.

Just cause it doesn't have rattles, doesn't mean anything!!! I'm no expert and have no idea what kind this is but we have tons of snakes around here that don't have rattles that are still very venomous!!!
Thank Goodness he hasn't figured out how to get in the coop, he could cause a lot of damage fast!! Yikes!!!!
That would make me scream like a girl and squeal like a pig all the way back inside. I would need a large gun and a body guard before I would go back outside.
YYYYYUUUUUCCCCKKKK. I know some people like snakes. I know they are good for eating rodents. But I hate snakes. I am petrified of them. Glad it did not get anything in your coop. And glad you did not get bit.
That’s a Grey Rat Snake, A/K/A, Chicken Snake, I caught one in my nest box the other day, and it had an egg 3/4ths swallowed. They are harmless to grown chickens; they could easily eat young chicks and eggs. I re-located mine across the road; it has not found his way home yet.

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