Lathargic 10 Month Old BPR Chicken


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 16, 2012
My parents are dealing with a chicken that seems to be ill, and I thought you might have some insight. She has been staying on the coop floor tucking her head under her wing. Dad moved her to the run hoping she would eat or drink. She drank some when they dipped her beak. She won't eat food or grass. They've separated her and given her food and water. She doesn't have a pasted bottom or anything obviously physically wrong, so I'm at a loss. She is a ten month old Barred Plymoth Rock. The only difference to her routine has been colder temps, but she was in a cozy coop with 6 other hens. Any thoughts? Anything we can do for her?
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My parents are dealing with a chicken that seems to be ill, and I thought you might have some insight. She has been staying on the coop floor tucking her head under her wing. Dad moved her to the run hoping she would eat or drink. She drank some when they dipped her beak. She won't eat food or grass. They've separated her and given her food and water. She doesn't have a pasted bottom or anything obviously physically wrong, so I'm at a loss. She is a ten month old Barred Plymoth Rock. The only difference to her routine has been colder temps, but she was in a cozy coop with 6 other hens. Any thoughts? Anything we can do for her?

Have you checked her for mites or lice??? Have you ever wormed them??
We check the chickens and coop for mites and lice regularly but have not ever wormed.
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They had just separated her from the flock when I spoke with them, so I'm not sure yet. I will get a report in the morning and hopefully have more info.
Sorry ... you're gonna wanna keep a really close eye on the rest, as she may have been the first to show symptoms of somethin' that could be threatening the flock. Watching from a distance, when they're unaware, you might spot behaviors that identify those that you should very closely inspect for other symptoms. Check the droppings for anything that stands out. And,if they haven't yet? I'd consider worming the flock (fenbendazole is my favorite choice).

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