Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE

I have actually read through this entire thread because as a new owner of 3 lav and 1 split, I want to learn as much about this color as I can. My birds are not the best, but they are still beautiful.

Reading through, it seems people have a tough time understanding the genetics. Try thinking about humans. My eyes are blue, as my wife has brown. All 4 of our kids have brown eyes. My blue (lav) are recessive, so I have 2 copies of blue. My wife has 2 copies of brown (black). Now our kids have 1 brown and 1 blue, so they are blue/brown split. If one of my kids have kids with someone with blue eyes, my grandkids have a 50% chance of having blue eyes or 50% blue/brown split eyes which show brown. (Parentheses compare with our chickens)

Not sure if that made it easier to understand.

Thanks for viewing and I will enjoy following along.
I honestly have no idea what I am looking for as I am new to all this.. please help!
Can ya'll please give it to me straight? How does he look? 5 months old.. Smith Lines..should I get him? Yes or No and why either way so I can learn. Thanks so much in advance!

roo in back

Edited to delete pics since he wasn't mine. Thanks ya'll for helping me!
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I would pass on him. I don't like his eye and he already has leakage on his wings.

female is awesome looking.......
Thank you! aww I see the eye now! They are real light! They need to be redish-orange, right? And thanks for pointing the leakage out.. that is one thing my brain just hasn't figured out yet! I got so excited that he was an actual Amers and not an EE that I didn't stop and do my research like I should have.. sigh and drat!
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I would pass on him. I don't like his eye and he already has leakage on his wings.

female is awesome looking.......
I haven't seen that fluff at the base of the tail in Lavs, more in the Wheatens. I agree on the leakage. Not sure on the eye color. I've seen that improve after this age.

I think there are better birds to be had out there.
I have 5 days left to choose between 2 lavender cockerels, and would love input from others. Neither cockerel is great. Both have the "k factor" in their tail feathers. Both are about 21 weeks old.

Cockerel #1:
This rooster was slower to feather as a chick. He is taller and slimmer than cockerel #2, and also dominate over #2.

Rooster #2:
Rooster #2 feathered in quickly as a chick. He has not grown tail feathers yet (he used to have one, which must have been pulled out. Maybe that is what happened to the others.) He is shorter and broader, definitely more timid:

My first inclination was to choose the more dominate cockerel (#1). He has started chasing cockerel #2 around and today bloodied his comb, so #2 is living in a cage for the next few days. My main concern with both of these roosters, is I haven't seen any gentleman-like behavior. Neither one calls the girls for treats, they just wolf them down. Perhaps this is a maturity issue, but the Basque cockerel (of the same age in the next pen) has been calling to and mating his girls for weeks. He always lets the girls have the treats.

I have a few slightly older lavender hens (not from this hatch) that are fairly dominant over the younger birds. Today I saw cockerel #1 fighting with one of the older hens, a chest-bumping, hackles-flaring fight. Is this normal rooster behavior? I have not seen this with other breeds, but my experience is limited. It makes me wonder if cockerel # 1 is a jerk. #2 is so timid, but maybe he will rise to the occasion? I appreciate any advice! Our appointment with the butcher is soon.
I would let them both grow out a bit. Myself, I probably would be looking for option #3.

I wouldn't keep a slow feathering cockerel and #2 looks like he might end up with some leakage pretty quick. I like him better overall and he has a darker eye.

If I had no other choice but to use him, I would start back over with black matings to see if you get leakage in the offspring.
I would let them both grow out a bit.  Myself, I probably would be looking for option #3. 

I wouldn't keep a slow feathering cockerel and #2 looks like he might end up with some leakage pretty quick.  I like him better overall and he has a darker eye. 

If I had no other choice but to use him, I would start back over with black matings to see if you get leakage in the offspring.

Thank you. This is helpful.

I have a mixed backyard flock, and have been more focused on a colorful egg basket than any particular breed. If I'm going to keep one of these roosters, I would much rather choose one that might have some potential, as opposed to just blindly selecting one.
Thank you. This is helpful.

I have a mixed backyard flock, and have been more focused on a colorful egg basket than any particular breed. If I'm going to keep one of these roosters, I would much rather choose one that might have some potential, as opposed to just blindly selecting one.

If it is for your back yard flock, and you are not interested in breeding you might want to just keep the one you like. Just a thought.

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