Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE


Not saying they will ALL lay greenish eggs; I do have one pullet that lays a nice, bluer egg. But overall, that seems to be the trend,
Newbie allert. I have read the first 600 posts here and I will read the last 7-800, but I am out of time for today, and will just post my pic and ask for some critique. This is my cockerel. The twist in his tail, is that indicative of the k gene? Also please, tell me what to look for in a black hen to cross with him.
My lavender rooster got eaten by a fox. I need a new one, LF and I'm in NC. Anyone can ship me one, and how much?
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If you were to crack open an egg and it was blue on the inside (of the shell) but had a greenish tint on the outside.. what would be the cause of this?

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