Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE

Thanks! Got it now. My main objective at the moment is to get some good black females. Paul had all of his reserved or promised so he couldn't sell me any. Figured I'd just make my own, but that may not be as easy as I'd hoped. Looks like it's gonna take another pen.:D
I would like to thank everyone here for the info that is being posted.... I have no genetics background... so the dummed down version being presented is awsome!

I have a beautiful Lav. Cockerel from Donna (my current avitar) and I got some lovely black pullets from a fellow Canadian ... together I will have a herd of splits to work with in the fall next year(or next spring) I plan on keeping my eye open for a lav. pullet or two, but I am not holding my breath....

dak.... When you are saying you are working on type... are you working on the body shape as per the Ameraucana APA standard?
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If anyone has or knows of any splits (chicks or birds) in the Greensboro/ Raleigh/ Charlotte area please let me know- I ordered more eggs to bring new blood in my lines but afterwards I realized that they are basically the same lines
Oh well, never can have too many, right?
If anyone has or knows of any splits (chicks or birds) in the Greensboro/ Raleigh/ Charlotte area please let me know- I ordered more eggs to bring new blood in my lines but afterwards I realized that they are basically the same lines
Oh well, never can have too many, right?
That is not a bad thing. You really do want to breed chickens that are closely related but not brother to sister. That will help keep all the good traits... but it can also bring out the bad. I will have 2 lines from most of my chickens. They are all related. My Marans for example... the Roos are Brothers and the hens are all sisters. Both lines are the same genetically sort of, but they will be unrelated enough to breed to the other line. Pullets from each pen will be swapped to the other line to keep the genetic diversity. You DON'T need to ad new blood.... unless you need to improve what you have... that is different.
dak.... When you are saying you are working on type... are you working on the body shape as per the Ameraucana APA standard?
Yes, shape, and feather quality. Tails are driving me crazy. Color is secondary at the moment, as is egg color/size though I am seeing huge improvements this year in size. Color was never bad in my original Lavs (Thanks Harry!)
I've got a black boy in with my lav girls. They have the "type" to a degree but are seriously lacking in size. Size, he's got. His type isn't ideal (he's rather U shaped but I don't think he's the end of the world.) I am VERY curious to see what sort of birds I end up with. (The girls' lavender feathering is very decent so I hope I don't lose that.)
I stumbled upon a "show quality" bantam lavender ameraucana while buying another breed at a farm. She was so stinking cute so I bought her and named her pearl. I have 2 questions.
Go easy on me because Im new at this.

#1. Why the heck is she "crying" all the time? Sad? Sounds like a soft crow while she is walking around seeming to look for something, or someone. Will it end? How do i make her feel better?

#2. If she is "Show Quality" then what are the traits I am looking for? I know there is a list of this somewhere but I have been unable to find it with lavenders.

If she is a good show quality bird then Id love to breed her. Now, how the heck do I do that?

I am too new for attachments.
I stumbled upon a "show quality" bantam lavender ameraucana while buying another breed at a farm. She was so stinking cute so I bought her and named her pearl. I have 2 questions.
Go easy on me because Im new at this.

#1. Why the heck is she "crying" all the time? Sad? Sounds like a soft crow while she is walking around seeming to look for something, or someone. Will it end? How do i make her feel better?

#2. If she is "Show Quality" then what are the traits I am looking for? I know there is a list of this somewhere but I have been unable to find it with lavenders.

If she is a good show quality bird then Id love to breed her. Now, how the heck do I do that?

I am too new for attachments.
No idea on #1.I had a very vocal old english game bantam hen once l.Never did stop.On #2 all breed traits except color.Check the standard or the Ameraucana Breeders Club website.Now about breeding.Lavender is first black.2 copies of the lav gene turns black into lavender.One copy gives a split.That is a black with 1 copy of the recessive lav gene.So if no lav roosters are available get a good black.All offspring will be splits [black],Breed back to lav for 50% lav chicks.Split to split = 25% lav chicks.
I stumbled upon a "show quality" bantam lavender ameraucana while buying another breed at a farm. She was so stinking cute so I bought her and named her pearl. I have 2 questions.
Go easy on me because Im new at this.

#1. Why the heck is she "crying" all the time? Sad? Sounds like a soft crow while she is walking around seeming to look for something, or someone. Will it end? How do i make her feel better?

#2. If she is "Show Quality" then what are the traits I am looking for? I know there is a list of this somewhere but I have been unable to find it with lavenders.

If she is a good show quality bird then Id love to breed her. Now, how the heck do I do that?

I am too new for attachments.

Oy! Tough questions to answer without pictures and more details.

1. How old is she? What was she used to? What/where have you moved her into? Does she have company? (I could go on and on .... )

2. To find out if she is show quality, read about the Ameraucana breed characteristics and then also read about "self blue" in breeds that already recognize self blue (aka lavender.) Also make sure to read the first 39 pages of the SOP for general poultry descriptions. Go to shows and look at birds. And keep asking questions. And when you can, post pictures here. Be assured, you will get LOTS of opinions!!

And welcome to BYC!!!
We just hatched our first Lav chick Saturday. I am now an official Lavender Ameraucana Breeder! I'm trying to take in all the info from this thread (and read first before asking questions) but still have a long way to go. What an awesome thread!


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