Lavender chick

I find that they calm down with age. That is quite ridiculous though.

Yeah I really think it's a pullet. Especially from these pics. Wait it out some more and update again lol.
Well for now he stays as hes the only lavender I hatched lol and some do calm down I have one now though was calm and now paces the fence to attack me
Yeah... cockerels temd to lean the opposite way with that. They start calm and get stupid later.
Well most of my roosters ill be rotating out this year as I only one one pen for each color but right now have two for my tolbunt projects as im pairing certain bords together the laced hen above ill be selling once i breed her to even see if shes split to mottled or not if not then I dont need her
19 weeks old

Best I could get of it standing lol

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