Lavender Cochin with Swollen Eye - Won't open looks like a Yellow Stye

So Today I took her outside for her exercise and so she could look at and play though the fence with her roost mates. Her fellow lavender sister misses her dearly so she gets really excited when I bring her up to the coop. She seems to be doing okay despite how her eye looks, she follows me across the lawn and stays real close, its sweet.

Tonight when I went to do the daily rinsing of her eyes ritual I told my boyfriend about the recommendation to try slicing at yellow ball so I wrapped her up and since he has a stronger stomach than me he worked on the eye. He was able to get the ugly scab off her eye and now it can open! success. However the yellow ball is still there on the lower lid, it looks gross now since its a little raw from working on it he scab and picking at it (we though it was more scab)

I'll take fresh pictures but to me it looks just like a stye on the lower lid, but I feel so much better her eye is open. I ran out of eye drops so I just rinsed it with a little luke warm water and put some neosporine direct on the stye like bump and my boyfriend is out getting new drops. I'll take and post new pictures to see if anyone has any other ideas.

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