Lavender Cuckoo

my turkey that died was named little blue and he was my first turkey i had and my favorite turkey he used to follow me around when i was feeding the chickens
I'm also working on Lav Cuckoo ee's. My split black Am pullets are just over 17 weeks and I can't wait for them to begin laying. They are in with an olive egger roo who is a few weeks younger than them. He was a cross between a golden cuckoo marans hen x lavender ameraucana roo and is a gorgeous cuckoo looking ameraucana mix. Pea Comb with muffs! The baby's from that cross were sex-linked, hens were black, roo's were cuckoo. My first olive egger from that cross has just begun to lay! A fun project that all began because I must have some lav ameraucana's!

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