Lavender Orp..what gender are they?

You definitely have at least one cockerel, no doubt. There is a difference in comb/wattle size, but still good sized even on the one with the smaller set. If their legs are the same size (hard to tell from the photos), then I suspect they are both cockerels. I have two younger Lav Orp cockerels, and one lagged a little behind the other for a couple of weeks, then caught up in terms of comb/wattle size and color (which is typical when you have two or more cockerels together). All this said, I have a mature Buff Orp hen whose comb and wattles would put most roos to shame! Orps are tough.
@kittydoc their legs are about the same size. i've also noticed since we've had them, the spurs have grown. they were just little bumps and now they each have noticeable ones. i've heard orps are tough since they take longer to mature. i was so hoping we had at least 1 female. i have no doubts the one is a boy. i'm still hoping the other ends up being a female.

they should begin to crow around 12 weeks if they are roo's correct?
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All chickens have small bumps where the spurs will eventually grow in roos. I saw a post from someone who even had a hen with one full-sized spur! My cockerels hatched about April 13, but their "bumps" are still about the same size as the ones on their sisters (even though their bodies are much larger). By the time you see actual spurs, you usually already know they are cockerels.

Crowing can start at 12 weeks, but in some it may be more like 6 months or more. Totally depends on flock dynamics and the specific bird. One cockerel alone, or the dominant cockerel in a group, will start earliest in general, though some cockerels are just late crowers. Still, they should look like cockerels well before 6 months. Orps can do whatever they want, though! I am so happy my lavs were all sorted out by 4-5 weeks. My Jubilees took longer for me to be positive, but they are also 100% English. None are crowing yet, either, though I don't expect them to because they are slow developing. My hatchery Australorps started at 4-5 months (I had FOUR).

Fingers crossed that you have one of each, but I'm sure you can find a pullet somewhere else if both turn out to be cockerels.

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