Lavender Orpington Rooster need a new home

Whoa! Ok, that's not working at all! I know it sounds a bit abusive, but it's got to be tight! I have relatively small hands and I would say that I can just get a finger between our roo's neck and his collar. In fact, I was afraid it was too tight when we initially put it on our him, but that was months ago, and I promise you that he is just fine. The collar I have is about 2 inches wide, so I think you're on the right track. Just tighten up the one you have on him in the video. Then watch him and adjust accordingly. If he can still crow, not tight enough. If he can't eat, too tight.

My understanding is that some roosters still crow with it on, just far more quietly. My rooster doesn't make a sound anymore. I think he's embarrassed! Our hen's egg songs are far louder than he is!
So we "cranked down" a little. The boy was quieter for a few days. Now, I think he got hold of the technique again and started to crow as before. And he gargles a little at the end of each crow, which sounds really funny... We'll probably just leave him at this tightness as we arrange to rehome him to mollybuck.
I was just thinking about this post yesterday because my rooster seemed to be having some issues with an upper respiratory issue. Another BYCer pointed out that he may be having issues with his collar. No clue how that didn't occur to me, but it certainly seemed like a reasonable place to start. We took it off of him yesterday late afternoon.

It is unseasonably cold in Massachusetts right now (about 23 degrees) and I had to leave for work so I didn't get a chance to observe him this morning and see if his cold symptoms have abated, but he was out there crowing his fool head off, so I think he's feeling alright! I hope the neighbors don't mind!

Although the collar is marketed that it won't impact their feathers, I can definitely say his neck is pretty bare looking right now. It wasn't red or visibly irritated, thankfully.

Point being... the collar is not a perfect solution!
Sometimes they need to go without it, I guess!
Collaring a rooster like that and tightening to stop crowing is CRUEL treatment. *Edited by staff*
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I respectfully disagree with you. My rooster is loved, well fed, and well cared for in every way possible. If I didn't choose to keep him, then he'd be another chick ground up in a facility, dumped somewhere, or in a soup pot. The collar does not hurt him. He can eat, drink, breathe, and interact with the hens normally. What he can't do is crow LOUDLY. He could always crow, but it brought the noise level down to about that of a hen's egg song.
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Ok, you may be right. As a rescuer, I LIVE with seeing cruelty. I have sued government agencies over massive cruelty, so I am hypersensitive to it. had a pet rooster for three years. Rescued him from near death. He was my best buddy ever. Never knew how capable and smart these guys are. I talk with VINE sanctuary who rehabs fighting birds. I admit I did not research the collars and jumped to conclusions. Sorry. Its just after seeing so much cruelty, I had a kneejerk reaction. Will go research these things online. Glad you love your bird. Roosters are my favorite critter.
I went on YouTube and watched video of rooster collar being placed. You are right. They do not look abusive. I apologize

Here is the link

I went on YouTube and watched video of rooster collar being placed. You are right. They do not look abusive. I apologize

Here is the link



I can't tell you how refreshing it is to find a person, on the internet of all places, who is willing to realize their opinion may not be factual, do the research, and actually apologize. Most people are so stuck in their beliefs that they aren't able to do that. I am truly grateful that you looked into the collars and found that they are not, in fact, abusive in any way. The reason they even exist is so that backyard chicken keepers are able to actually keep a rooster, or two, or ten! Never to hurt them!

You will see many, many, many instances of people on this site who will say they can't keep a rooster because their town/HOA/ neighbors etc. won't allow it. Since the birth ratio of hens to roosters is essentially 1:1 - that's a lot of homeless/freezer camp roosters! When I come across someone who says "I love this roo and I wish I could keep him!", I feel compelled to tell them that the collar is a viable option to keep the roo in their flock. I would NEVER advocate the mishandling or abuse of ANY animal, but most especially chickens! I'm trying to help the rooster, definitely not hurt it!

I understand the knee jerk reaction. I can see how the term "rooster collar" could call to mind a choke chain or gag or something equally awful. I applaud you for your efforts to take in unwanted roosters and give them a good life. I'm glad you found this forum because it seems like you'll be able to save some great roosters!

- Amanda

PS: I can't believe you own Tend Skin! I was an esthetician for 12 years, and it is absolutely the best product on the market for ingrown hairs and post-wax bumps! I can't even tell you how many bottles I sold!
HI Amanda,

Thanks for the kind words. I know most people always have to be right no matter what. You should see me with my product!! NOTHING goes out the door and not a penny is collected from a customer unless the product does everything we claim. Did not expect a product testimonial on the chicken line! Hah!

If I did not admit I was wrong when I was, I would not have the business I have and the great people that work here would be long gone! Everyone working with me is GREAT. The only head case is ME.

Are you familiar with VINE sanctuary and their rehab of former fighting birds. Check this! They really know there stuff. Would LOVE a field full of roos. Trying now to figure out why a rooster moves to another tree to roost at night when he has been at the same tree for a long time. The only critters more interesting to me are dolphins and Orcas, the smartest critters on the planet. I have worked at trying to free Lolita the orca at Miamai Seaquarium. See to find out the horrors of marine mammal parks. Work for food.

Anyway, trying to catch a roo now that is waking people up at a trailer park community. Crabby old lady feeding him and her army of golf cart warriors. Management company giving headaches. Almost got him twice with a net gun. He starts crowing at 4:30AM. I went out to here for myself. Beautiful boy part leg horn. Blew in four months ago with some high winds down here.

Too bad he is waking people because it is a perfect environment for him. Rooster heaven...........except of course for the annoying of the reasons for the knee jerk. I see so much abuse, that I am programmed to assume the worse without going into stories. There is so much abuse I see, it makes me want to push a button and remove humans from the planet.

I know about the chicken companies, Perdue with their baloney commercials. I know the one to one birth rate chickens/roosters. I also know they toss the live rooster chicks into a grinder. How they sleep at night can only be explained by describing what these people really are..............SOCIOPATHS. No conscience, no soul. Monsters really do exist.

So now you know what we do at Tend Skin with all the money...........CRITTERS!! I am vegetarian and could NEVER eat one of these guys. They are too **** smart!

Ok, I am rambling!! Thanks again for letting me off the hook!! I deserved your harsh remarks!!

Take care!
Check this video from Vine Sanctuary and rooster rehab of fighting birds. GREAT video guys!

Enjoy. LOVE these birds!!


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