Lavenderchick get to know me


6 Years
Apr 20, 2013

My name is Jill, my husband and I just recently bought a small 5 acre farm. It is located in the southern part of Indiana in a very small town called Deputy. We first started talking several years ago about getting of the grid and be more self sufficient. So here we are in the middle of our lives kinda starting a small hobby farm that will provide for the two of us in our later years.

When we purchased farm the old owners left use 6 chickens, one rooster and five hens. This past winter we lost one of the hens to mites and lice I think not really sure. I tried everything to finding her from a syringe but my efforts were to late. Since spring has started I have add several chicks 10 buff orpingtons, one blue laced red wyndotte, three Rhode Island Reds, three Lavender orpingtons. My favorite are the lavender they are so gentle and love attention to the point they come to you for it.

Also currently I am researching Sheep to add to the farm next year. We are taking one acre of land to raise a garden of veggies for our winter supply, all this while we both commute 45 min to and from work. We really question ourselves everyday on our goals, some days we regret this but most days we feel God has sent us on this journey and we will succeed.

It's great finding backyard chicken to have a place to learn and make friend from many places to help.

Great to be with all

With God's Grace
Greetings from Kansas, Jill, and
! Great to have you aboard! Good luck to you and your chickens - and your sheep next year!! Best wishes!

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