Lawn per square footage needed per duck?

Unlike cows, geese, rabbits, etc... ducks are definitely not ruminants so they cannot digest cellulose (which is the main source of nutrition in grass). They definitely love digging into it, especially if it is wet. Think of all the little bugs eating the roots of the grass, that's what the ducks are looking for. Ducks might nibble at the roots a bit, but it doesn't make a meaningful contribution to their diet. If you have damp areas they will completely destroy the grass there, and they will dig holes in the rest of the lawn after a rain.
I mean. Mine don’t. I believe that some people’s do. And mine are runners which were sold to me as “good foragers.” They are when it comes to creepy crawlers in the ground for sure!

but I do find they stick to a very small area even if given full access to the property. They conquer it and raze it to the ground, then dig, then trample, then move on. Maybe a tractor would help with that? though moving the water every day would be a bit of a chore.

Thanks for your thoughts.

I wonder, does this mean different breeds within the species vary with food preferences and what they can do? Or are they all like that?

The idea of moving the water isn't bad. And I like the tractor idea.

I just hope I can work out the most sustainable economic food options, no matter that it ends up as.

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