Lawnmower vs Rooster GRAPHIC PICS/ Saying Goodbye

When I was a kid I worked in a nursing home where Mama was the boss. One of my patients had a horrible decubitus ulcer ( bed sore) and I would scrub it, and then had a shaker of sugar to put on it, and it not only kept it clean, it makes a sort of scab on it. Worked real well, and for animals, I have had to use from the vet this stuff like it called Granulex. Great stuff.

Ya know, I read all this just in the past hour or so, and I am totally impressed with you, girlfriend!!! And in Florida, like Texas where I moved here from after living all my life there, we had terrible fire ants. Killed cattle and all the quail and other ground birds. They will kill anything around, and they are more into meat than sugar or honey, but will go to anything.

We keep bees, and I know the honey is good for everything. Why not dip the bugs in it and then give them to your roo? He will love the honey and it will build him up!

Another old but tried and true stuff is Gentian Violet, messy, very messy, but it is a miracle juice for animals. Turns everything purple and is runny so hard to not get all over, but man that stuff is always good to have around any farm animals, or any animals for that matter. It is really people medicine, but cures all kinds of cuts, abrasions, and nasty stuff that happens.

You are most definitely a wonderful piece of work, my friend. Keep up the good work, and hang in there, because if he has lived this long, I think he will make it.
Just a short note to tell you Thank You, you have gone above and beyond what most of us would do. The love and concern from the BYC community is overwhelming and it makes me happy to see so many caring people. You and Kubota are in my prayers.
It makes me very happy when I hear, or read, of someone doing such good things! I'm glad you're taking care of him!
LOL my family and friends say I don't know when to quit - something about me being... I think they said stubborn?

I left the potential sling up at my house, too bad because during the storm would have been the perfect time to work on it. hopefully I will get to it tonight.
At the clump there is a string of something... I don't know if it is tendon or what. I have considered seeing if my vet's wife will give him a look over, she only works Tuesday and Thursday (toddler at home).

So, basically the afternoon was one pain in the neck after another.
When it finally stopped raining and lightning I grabbed one last dry towel and headed out to tend to Kubota. I noticed one of Mr B's guineas had somehow ended up in my yard (not the privacy fenced backyard, but the big yard where the dogs are). So I had to run her down while keeping my convicted chicken-killer Lab away - I was very grateful for a reliable "leave it". Finally caught her and got to start on Kubota. I actually soaked his foot in warm epsom salt water and he did fine - fell asleep again. In the middle of wrapping his leg, it started to rain again. I decided to just deal with it and finish up. After his normal wrappings, I wrapped his leg in saran wrap

It was raining pretty hard at this point so I just sprinkled the Sevin dust on him and used a paper towel covered hand to rub it in (that stuff says to wash for 15-20 min and contact poison control if it gets on your skin... I sure hope y'all were right!!). I fed him, gave him fresh water and removed his saran wrappings.
I went in to take a shower (I can't tell you enough how bad "no see'ums" freak me out) and when I came out, 6 of my chickens had decided to take a stroll in the big yard !! I ended up having to herd them in twice.

Anyway - everybody settled in and hopefully doing ok.
Hi! Lorije1,

From the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia!

This is one of the most heartwarming and beautiful articles I have read for a long time. It makes me feel proud to be a human.

I have every confidence that God will smile on you and Kubota - I'll be giving him a nudge!

Many, many regards, John
re: the sevin dust

I use it on the garden and don't use gloves or a facemask. It is safe for fleas on dogs (in moderation). I wouldn't worry about getting it on my skin. With the no seeums, you will be washing up afterward anyway (I sure would be, they give me the willies, too).
I LOVE Australia!! I spent 2 weeks there in '95 - New South Wales.... Sydney, Apsley Falls, Eurala, Wyong ... I loved it! Thanks for your kind words

HEHE believe me Sharol, I shower about 5 times a day! *shiver* brr blah
I am duly impressed Lori. There are a lot of people who would not "waste their time" on a chicken.

Hooray for you and how is he doing now?
I had a family reunion today where some of my family members thought that it was absolutely insane to do bumblefoot surgery on one of my chickens. Some of them were like, "Just kill her and eat her".

I don't get to leave the house much as I am disabled and don't drive. Still, seriously, they don't get why I won't just "kill the cripples"?
I think maybe it's good that I don't leave the house that much. I don't think that I really like the rest of the world that much anymore. I'm sorry that I don't spend my time, money and energy on clothes, gossip, or decorating my house. Instead, I take care of my chickens.
They love me and I love them.
They are smart, sweet, strong, beautiful, cuddly pets that just happen to make me breakfast!

I just wish that all of the people that just don't get "chicken people" could read your story and the replies from everyone. You are what we should be - kind, caring, compassionate, giving.
How does that make us all weird?
Because we don't just say to hell with the chickens like most people do about even other people?

Anyway, sorry. Sometimes my family just ticks me off.

God bless you for everything you are doing. Showing kindness and compassion to those less fortunate (even when they are "only" chickens) is a beautiful thing!!! My girls know all about Kubota and are impressed with his studliness.
They enjoy hearing updates about him every day. We all do!!

Happy belated birthday!!!

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