layena from purina


Ohmygosh! & Oh No! I was told to start my 15 week olds on it weeks ago
Purina Mills
Recipe is best fed one month before hens begin to lay, but not any earlier than 18 weeks of age.

I usually wait until after they lay. The above is from the Purina website.​
I think it's kind of like feeding a puppy regular dog food.

The Starter food is better for the chicks health and their growth -and Layer food has more nutrient hens need for laying eggs.
Layena has more calcium in it. If they are not utilizing that calcium by producing eggs, then it has be be removed by their kidneys. It will just put stress on their kidneys that isn't necessary.
So if you have them on a "layer" formula do you still need to give them oyster shell? I have not noticed a problem with the egg shells yet. Our girls are mostly free range and they get layer pellets. Once a week they get some yogurt with fruit cut up in it. Should I mix oyster shell in with their food too?
If they are on a quality layer feed they technically do not need extra calcium. I always provide it to my hens if they want it. The metal rabbit feeders attached to the inside coop wall work great for this.

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