Laying and mating age?


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
At about what age do ducks start laying eggs? What about mating?

Mine are 13weeks now and I'm wondering when I have to start egg-hunting. I'm not really looking to expand my flock!
I needed some new hens for my drake so I purchased 3 blue runner ducklings, week olds, in March and they were laying good in August. So they were 5 months. They were breeding a good month or so before that. It was once their feathers were all grown out when the drake took a liking to them. They tend to like the covered litter box I use for a nest box and I keep them in their night pen until around 8 a.m. so usually all the eggs are layed before I let them free range. Makes it easier to find the eggs and they stay cleaner.

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