Laying eggs but not sitting

does the rain ever get any of the chicks? ive always raised all mine on wire but i might let a hen set late like youre talking about
Never had a problem with rain all my runs have coops and
covered roosts.
My peahen suddenly decided to go broody and this morning started sitting on the last three eggs that she laid that were still in her nest. Is it possible she will lay more while she is sitting there or is she down for the count?
Another long will she want to stay with her chicks once hatched before I separate them, keeping the chicks penned and letting her free range again?
Another long will she want to stay with her chicks once hatched before I separate them, keeping the chicks penned and letting her free range again?
I have two freerange peahens with babies and it has just been in the last couple of weeks that the young have stepped out on their own and not needing to be within eyesight of each other. Then again some hens will set a second nest in the same season, so who knows...

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