Laying hens with "water belly" or "ascites"?

This is a very interesting thread. My RIR - three years old - has a water belly. Possibly from internal laying, at this stage I don't think there's any way to be sure. She's been on antibiotics for close to 2 weeks now. They pepped her up a bit, and she's in good spirits - apart from the fact her belly is so swollen she walks upright. We're kind of resigned to the fact we're going to lose her. The vet said there wasn't much else to do. If I can figure out the supplies though, I'll for sure try drawing off some liquid to make her more comfortable.

Oh, and she's boney. Her breast bones are quite pronounced.

How does their poop look? My girl had very watery diarrhea, but on the antibiotics she now has firmer green poop mixed in.
Hi rpar003,
Last night I put my 3-year-old, little black hen to rest. It has been a learning experience with ups and downs. I bought 18 gauge needles in order to drain her abdomen, but I left them at the store (!!!), so I used a 20 gauge that I had on hand. I had her in a deep, warm bath, and I popped the needle about an inch under her vent. She did not even know. I used a syringe, repeatedly, to draw off about 100ml of straw-colored, odorless liquid, then I put her back in her indoor cage for a short while, then back with the other girls. The tiny hole continued to drip, slowly, and by morning, she was not at all swollen (she had been about to burst), and she did everything normally, except jump up to roost at night. I was happily surprised, because well-being is my first concern. Although eating and drinking and pooping (pretty loose), she became more bony and weaker, each day. Last night, after our evening of free-ranging, she did not return to the coop, but stayed in a quiet corner of the barn. It was time. I cuddled her - not much more than feathers and bones - thanked her, and put her to rest. My understanding is that antibiotics do not help ascites. I wish you and your girl peace in this journey.
Hi rpar003,
Last night I put my 3-year-old, little black hen to rest. It has been a learning experience with ups and downs. I bought 18 gauge needles in order to drain her abdomen, but I left them at the store (!!!), so I used a 20 gauge that I had on hand. I had her in a deep, warm bath, and I popped the needle about an inch under her vent. She did not even know. I used a syringe, repeatedly, to draw off about 100ml of straw-colored, odorless liquid, then I put her back in her indoor cage for a short while, then back with the other girls. The tiny hole continued to drip, slowly, and by morning, she was not at all swollen (she had been about to burst), and she did everything normally, except jump up to roost at night. I was happily surprised, because well-being is my first concern. Although eating and drinking and pooping (pretty loose), she became more bony and weaker, each day. Last night, after our evening of free-ranging, she did not return to the coop, but stayed in a quiet corner of the barn. It was time. I cuddled her - not much more than feathers and bones - thanked her, and put her to rest. My understanding is that antibiotics do not help ascites. I wish you and your girl peace in this journey.

Ann, you brought tears to my eyes with your story. So sorry for your loss.

Could it be possible that this hen has ascites?


This BCM is a big, 1 1/2 YO, and lays XXL eggs regularly. She eats well, and has a solid, good weight. But, confusingly, she has had no fertile eggs at all with the roo (all the others have had chicks), and even refuses to let him mate her. (Won't drop wings/ move her tail, knocks him off, etc.)

She has a soft, low area below vent, shown below, plus much fluff. She is nearly as big as the roo (and dominate lead hen), so we've been under the assumption that she has been trying to be dominate him. Last night we thought we may have seen some yellow, clear liquid lightly oozing from this area- or it may have been slightly runny poo. Is there a way to test for this?
I have an older hen who I think might have the ascites. By a fluke, I picked her up and tipped her like a teapot and tons of fluid came pouring out of her mouth. It was disgusting. BUT, after I did this, she didi great for almost a month. The fluid is back and I am tipping her again. Is there anything I can do for her? Thank you for your help.
Ascites is a leaking of interstitial (between cells) fluid due to a number of possible causes. The fluid "finds" a place to collect, and the abdomen has lots of free space. The fluid has no odor and can only drain if the skin is opened with a needle. What you describe sounds like the fungus-based "sour crop," since fluid left her mouth. I "vomited" one of my chickens a few times, and have treated her with about 1/4 of a Monistat 3 suppository, mixed with a bit of cooked egg yolk - she gobbles it! - for several days. She is improving, although she is a piggy, and I think her crop is now stretched. If you treat her for a few days, you should feel the firmer shape of a normal crop in the center of her breast area returning. Good luck!
Thank you for your help. I think I am losing Hazel. She is not even interested in eating. The fluid that comes out of her mouth is dark at first, and quite stinky, then a clearer fluid will come out. She has had this for 3 months now. She is an older hen, I would guess close to 10 years old. I am so sad about this. She really is a sweet girl. I rescued her from a backyard situation where she had very little room to roam. I do not like to see her suffer and do not know how to put her down. Someone mentioned putting her into the freezer. I just do not want to do that. Any suggestions?
Hi there,

We rescued 4 laying Delawares and 2 have this condition. I actually took them to the vet and had abdominal taps and now they are on diuretics. This will not cure the disease but will prolong their life. The vet told me that as their abdomen fills with fluid it basically suffocates them by putting too much pressure on their air sacs and they cannot breathe. Currently, I give them lasics 2 times a day until it gets beyond our control. It is in a liquid form and I just put it in a little wet cat food and she eats it right up.

I do not know their breeding history or life before we got them but we let them free range and keep they on laying mash, scratch and veggies primarily. I guess it could be due to bad breeding or poor conditions before we received them.

Hope this helps a little.

I have a Australorp hen and she has ascites I believe from reading and I want to drain her water balloon...I read on your write up you did this I need advise/help? I bought a 20ml syringe and 16 gx1" needle but don't know the best spot to insert it without hitting and organs...any help here please?? Is 1" okay and where to do it at? Thanks!
I have a Australorp hen and she has ascites I believe from reading and I want to drain her water balloon...I read on your write up you did this I need advise/help? I bought a 20ml syringe and 16 gx1" needle but don't know the best spot to insert it without hitting and organs...any help here please?? Is 1" okay and where to do it at? Thanks!
Hi Ruth,
I have a Australorp hen and she has ascites I believe from reading and I want to drain her water balloon as I read you did this to your hen. I need advise/help? I bought a 20ml syringe and 16 gx1" needle but don't know the best spot to insert it without hitting any organs... please let me know where is best to insert the needle and is 1" size okay? I picked up today at tractor supply...

It has pussed and reclosed toward the bottom of balloon about a inch u would this be an okay area to insert needle I will use alcohol rub before inserting needle ....worried about hitting any vital organs and need advise on this please? Would you soak her first in epson salt bath or not? Then could I put her back with the flock the same day if she is acting okay? Giving her milk thistle which cleanses the liver.....and giving Oyster shell, olive oil on bread, raw organic garlic,oats, layer feed, yogurt, collidal silver and tetracycline in water...misting warm collidal silver on her balloon area daily!

Please help me I love my girl she is so sweet and precious...I have four big girls now ;-)!

Last night I put her in epsom salt and she loved it then I left her in my bathroom overnight she eats good, poops okay and she layed me an egg this morning ;-). Just worried as temperatures will drop to freezing tonight 22 low winter weather so I put her back with the others in my barn today when temps were up now with heat lamp.....

And can you direct me to Terry and Diane's information on this too you said they helped you on this subject ifI need also....
Thanks so much,

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