Laying hens with "water belly" or "ascites"?

Hi, it's me again...what size, length and kind of needle did you use???
Where to buy please....

And where did you put the needle in her balloon SIDE area or BACK SIDE butt view down from vent??...mine has leaked bottom back side down from vent about three inches....she is acting well though...

Please reply asap I need your help regarding needle KIND, SIZE and LENGTH and where to buy??? And syringe size too??
Thanks so much,
I had a buff cochin named Frizz she was my favorite chicken out of 50 god I miss her. Anyway she was diagnosed with waterbelly last year and I treated her by using a needle and syringe in fact BYC saved her life but before she had waterbelly she had a serious cold that almost killed her and she survived and after she survived waterbelly a few months later she got the cold again and it killed her I would do anything to get her back but yes waterbelly is treatable and it may be hard to do to an animal but it will save their life.
What is BYC???? Is it Draining her belly?? And did you drain her and did her belly refill up??? Its been a couple months and I am just leaving my girl alone as I hate seeing her with a swollen belly but don't want to hurt her more...i give her small bit of organic garlic,organic oregano leaf, and milk thistle daily on a bite of oats....grit and calcium always is out for her and i add 1-2 tlbsp apple organic cider vinegar in a gallon of water for her and for the whole flock for probotic which i hope may help as i read it does....

Any help let me know please....i was told draining her belly could kill her too it will refill and possible get a effection....
Love my girls!!!!

God bless
What is BYC???? Is it Draining her belly?? And did you drain her and did her belly refill up??? Its been a couple months and I am just leaving my girl alone as I hate seeing her with a swollen belly but don't want to hurt her more...i give her small bit of organic garlic,organic oregano leaf, and milk thistle daily on a bite of oats....grit and calcium always is out for her and i add 1-2 tlbsp apple organic cider vinegar in a gallon of water for her and for the whole flock for probotic which i hope may help as i read it does....

Any help let me know please....i was told draining her belly could kill her too it will refill and possible get a effection....
Love my girls!!!!

God bless
Back Yard Chickens is BYC. Draining the abdomen of a chicken with ascites may actually help relieve her pain, and relieve pressure on her lungs making it easier to breathe. With the use of a sterile needle, and cleaning the skin off with betadine, there shouldn't be too much chance of introducing infection.
Alright here is what you do take a needle and syringe take a gauss pad and put rubbing alcohol on it and the place you intend to insert the needle make sure she is on her back when you do this and hold her down she may try to escape when you hold her and this could further injure her I will say one thing her abdomen may fill up again but if she survives do it again I read an article about a women who's OEG hen got it and she refilled twice in two years so its not rapid also do this soon I had a buff orpington hen who literally exploded and since I was in school and my mom is not the poultry expert the ravens killed her within a half hour so do it soon also do not suck out all the fluid in one day it could put her into shock and she could die but also sucking out any fluid will give her relief my little Frizz was so happy after 1 day I extracted 20 ccs of fluid in one day and doubled it every day until she was empty be very clean and sterile be very careful while inserting and don't push the needle to deep and put it above the butt and pretty close to between the legs so you don't hit any important internals and also look at the skin and make sure you don't hit any vanes also don't use the same hole every time you insert the needle I hope I have been some help and I hope your bird survives I expect it to take about a week so make it a gradual process I also expect a reply thanks for reading and good luck. P.S. I googled water belly and I found a little bit of forum on waterbelly and I found it on BYC that's why I mentioned it.
Hello Everyone,

I know this thread has been quiet for a while so I hope it was okay to post to this thread instead of starting a new one. I have read through all the posts here about ascites. We have a chicken with this same problem and I decided to try and drain her this morning. I took out about 100 cc of fluid. I'm very proud of myself for I was feeling pretty wimpy about it and I was worried I would do more damage than is already being done by the fluid build up. It was quite easy. Anyway, I was wondering if I should have drained the fluid all out at once or if it is better to do it over the course of a couple of days. Any thoughts on this matter are greatly appreciated.

You have to reduce the protein in the feed you give your chickens!
I think that your chicken suffers from kidney failure due to much protein.
This condition causes the accumulation of liquid in the abdomen of the bird,and that Causes the inflating of the hen lower parts.

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