Laying hens with "water belly" or "ascites"?

At 6 months she may loiter around the nest box for a week or 2 while she practices getting ready to lay. She might get a bit stressed by it all and you might have to provide a dark warm secluded and private place for her for her first time. A warm bath can sometimes help.
It's so difficult to articulate what ascites feels like but with my hen is wasn't squishy. She felt full of water almost to bursting point. I've had hens that have suffered from peritonitis and they have felt normal but their symptoms have been green runny poop and either not laying or laying soft shelled eggs. In these cases they look like they are weighty but in reality their abdominal area is just swollen and really they are quite thin.

It does sound to me like she is ready to lay and a bit pent up about it all. I would continue to keep an eye on her, give her a warm private place, some vitamins in her water, and hopefully she will sing you her egg song very soon.

Good luck to you all xx
I agree with the full to bursting point feeling, not squishy. And Bitsy's abdomen is warm and tender, too.

She is not doing as well again. We had a sudden cold snap and in addition I was busy for two days and unable to give her her Milkthistle. I didn't really think it was a big deal, she was doing so well. But the third day when I went to give it to her, I couldn't find her. I'd noticed she was puffed up in the mornings but figured it was just cause it was freezing. The fourth morning, I found her puffed up, and acting interested in food but not eating. I offered her some in my hand and she wouldn't eat. So I picked her up and noticed her eyes were dull and she was already filling up again. In the hospital cage again, she had scrambled eggs with Milkthisttle topper, and Zyfend water, ate everything and had a big drink.. Just moistened crumbles at night, and a heat lamp for her all day. Same again today, and she is bright eyed again and wanting out. No reason really to keep her confined, it's supposed to warm up again starting tomorrow, and I'm not sure she needs to be drained again yet, but it's distressing she's filling up so fast. And the weather temperature seems to be a big factor for her, a big stressor. She does not lay, and has not laid at all since she's had the ascites, that i"m aware of.
Hope Bitsy feels a bit better soon. This time of year is always dicey with their moult and them feeling off colour. It doesn't take much else for them to go down hill. Hope her fluid reduces.
Best wishes xx
What if she's already laid? I know she was our first to lay but I'm not sure exactly how often she has layed. Still a bit worried about her but I've noticed that she has perked up again though I've not caught her in the nest boxes again. Thanks will keep you posted. Praying for Bitsy
Thank you both. I let her out again today. She is still acting like she's not feeling great. But she's eating and walking around. But so cute to see the older roosters coddling her. Our alpha rooster Captain is awesome, he's the king and everyone knows it, lol. He stays close to her as much as he can, and won't let the other roosters bother her. And he doesn't bother her either. Our beta rooster is following his lead, so she's got some good friends, lol.
What if she's already laid? I know she was our first to lay but I'm not sure exactly how often she has layed. Still a bit worried about her but I've noticed that she has perked up again though I've not caught her in the nest boxes again. Thanks will keep you posted. Praying for Bitsy
I think vitamins in the water is good advice. All you can really do is just watch her at this point, which you already are doing. hard to say what her issue is, but I agree, it doesn't soulnd like Ascites, at least not yet. I hope she returns to normal.
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Bitsy came up to the front garden by the house yesterday afternoon, first time she's done that in a long time.Tthe weather has been beautiful. She has been getting around ok, but retaining a lot of fluid. We reluctantly decided to try and drain her again this weekend though I've been dreading it. However, tonight I could not find her at dinner time. My husband said he was sure he saw her in the afternoon, but she was no where this evening and never went to her normal roosting spot. What was weirder, Captain did not go to roost for a long time either...he was lying on the ground near where Bitsy normally roosts on her low perch. I could not find her anywhere. I'm hoping this is not bad news. :(
Bitsy came up to the front garden by the house yesterday afternoon, first time she's done that in a long time.Tthe weather has been beautiful. She has been getting around ok, but retaining a lot of fluid. We reluctantly decided to try and drain her again this weekend though I've been dreading it. However, tonight I could not find her at dinner time. My husband said he was sure he saw her in the afternoon, but she was no where this evening and never went to her normal roosting spot. What was weirder, Captain did not go to roost for a long time either...he was lying on the ground near where Bitsy normally roosts on her low perch. I could not find her anywhere. I'm hoping this is not bad news.

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