Laying on the run!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 29, 2011
My daughter got home late from track practice a few weeks ago and immediately went to let her five hens out for "play time". They quickly made a break for the back fence to scratch at the oak tree's fallen leaves and grab a quick dust bath under the lilies. Chef, the brown leghorn was nowhere to be found, however. As I tended to "chicken chores" Clare scanned the yard for her most skittish chicken. I suggested she look behind a piece of plywood that was leaning against the fence, knowing the hens liked to check behind it for lizards. Clare carefully pulled the board towards her and peeked behind it. There was Chef. The brown leghorn glanced up, scooted out into the grass, ran three steps, paused (barely!), "farted" out an egg and kept running! The egg bounced in the grass and rolled to a stop. My daughter and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. Chef had barely broken stride! We couldn't breathe for five minutes we were laughing so hard.
If only giving birth to our children was so easy!
What a great story!

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