Lead poisoning

Nov 3, 2023
A couple days ago I posted about needing help figuring out what is wrong with my chicken. Depressed, lethargic, horrible balance, green poop, loss of coordination. I really believe it is lead poisoning.. He is showing more symptoms of lead poisoning than anything I have researched. My husband will not let me take the chicken to the vet because last time (different chicken) was super expensive.. Any ideas on heavy metal detox I can do from home? Any help would be great! Thanks for just taking the time to read this! God bless you and your flocks ♥️
I have no experience with lead poisoning or chelation therapy, but you can get calcium EDTA in Walmart and other pharmacies as well as online. The report I read said that chelation may or may not help. Here is the data I just read, and a Google search of the drug:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7337163/#:~:text=Clinical signs of acute lead poisoning in chickens include muscle,production and/or severe anemia.

Thank you so much!!

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