- LeafClan - A feral chicken RP - Read the front page for more information -


Live & Let Live
8 Years
Jan 29, 2011
The Story:

Within the lush evergreen forests of Washington state, lurks a small town known as Cliffside. A population of around 10,000 two-legs inhabit it, many owning a good portion of land. In the year of 1954, a farmer in the area made chickens a popular pet for many Cliffside area residents. He raised a large assortment of breeds, and sold the chicks off to those willing to raise them. A few others in the area took his stock or their own stock and did the same thing. By 1979, nearly everyone had chickens in their yards. Eventually, there became such a large number of these birds that their owners either set them loose into the wilderness because they couldn't care for them anymore, or the birds were allowed to wander so far that they managed to escape. In 1987, so many had complained about their neighbor's chickens, whether they actually owned a flock or not, that there became a law making it so there could only be a limit of four chickens per yard. After this, many kept a small number of their favorite chickens and set the rest loose into the forest.

Reversing back to 1958, there was a fire that burnt down many barns and homes in the rural area of Cliffside, allowing a handful of the resident's chickens to escape. These lucky chickens created a group that is still known today as LeafClan. Although many more have escaped and either created their own clans or lived as loners, the six original bird's bloodlines still exist to this day.


*All BYC rules apply.
*Please be realistic. A chicken cannot kill a human, bad injuries cannot heal overnight, etc.
*Do not control characters other than your own.
*Only one blow per post when fighting.
*No instant killing.
*Please use proper grammar. It is extremely difficult to understand you if you don't use any punctuation, and spell/use many of your words incorrectly.
*No Mary-Sues or Gary-Stus. No character is flawless. I will have you recreate your character if he or she is one of these.
*Keep things PG-13 at the most.


Antics of the clans:

The alpha may be of either gender, and are usually considered one of the strongest or the strongest of the clan. They decide what to do with their clan, and normally stick around with those who belong to the upper rankings of their group. Those who are lower down in the pecking order normally fear the leader in some sort of way, although some have been known to challenge the alpha. The alpha always gets his or her food first, and those who eat his or her food or begin to eat before they do are deeply frowned upon, and occasionally attacked. The alpha (if female) and those who are upper class are usually the only ones within the clan who are allowed to hatch chicks. Those who are in different categories of the pecking order usually have to leave the territory if they become broody, and usually aren't allowed back into the clan. During early spring, however, anyone is allowed to brood. Whether the leader is male or female, there normally is only one to three roosters in an entire flock, although some have been known to have none at all. Many roosters remain alone, harassing or stealing hens for the remainder of their lives. During springtime, one must be weary of roosters, as this is the season when they often come out to steal or breed with hens, or even take entire clans for themselves. Borders between territories are marked, and much care must be taken when passing through them. Birds can be held hostage or even killed, which can lead to border disputes. There is also a naming tradition among the clans. Chickens are not named 'Sunny' or 'Omelet', but rather 'OrchidHeart' or 'SickleClaw'. Names are often used to describe their appearance or personality. If a chicken is joining a clan for the first time and they have a name such as 'Poppy', the Alpha will assign them with a new name that they think suits them.



Fascinatingly enough, birds of different ranks may have jobs to do. The alpha, of course, leads the clan, and the middle class chickens have the choice of being a healer, a tree guard (who are also deployed as spies and warriors during wars), a hunter/gatherer, or a nanny for orphaned chicks. Those who are of the lower class do the dirty work. They build for the clan, bring messages to other clans, are used as pack carriers during journeys, and so forth. Upper class birds live an easy life, and usually do not have a formal occupation.


The Clan Code (applies to SplitFlock and LeafClan):
1. Respect those higher up in the pecking order than you and obey your leader, unless you're willing for a challenge.
2. You may not cross other clan's territories unless they are your current clan's allies.
3. Remember your ancestors who now live amongst StarClan. Thank them for your freedom.
4. Do not make contact with chickens under the reign of humans. Doing such is dangerous, and may cost you your freedom.
5. When challenging a leader, you must leave if you lose, and they must leave if you win. No exceptions, this is the tradition.

6. During full moon meetings, fighting amongst other clans is not allowed no matter what the situation.


Joining forms:

History (required):

Please be sure to PM your forms to me.


The Pecking Order of LeafClan:

NightClaw: A large hen of two years of age. Her black feathers shine a deep green in the sunlight, and she always holds her tail and body upright. She possesses a deep red set of wattles and a comb, as well as strong slate-toned claws and a black beak. Very powerful and mean, she only hangs around those who reside within upper class ranks. Yet at the same time, NightClaw does care for her clan and wishes to keep it out of the wrong hands. She was the favorite daughter of the last leader, a rooster by the name of Summerwind, and a lone hen named SageThicket. The hen was raised outside of LeafClan, and then brought into her father's clan for the first time at the age of six months, where she was ranked as an upper class bird for being the alpha's best chick. Once Summerwind passed on due to old age, NightClaw took over when she was almost the age she is today. (Zinnia-Hen)

Upper Class:
Pineberry: NightClaw's sister, who is nearly identical in appearance to her aside from, the fact she is a bit heftier from being the food-hoarding type. She is quite snobby, and claims she should have been the leader of the clan because she hatched before her sister. Pineberry is always looking for a way to take her sister out of power so she can rule over the clan for herself. She was raised just like NightClaw was. (Zinnia-Hen)

BloodBeak: A very large, strong Barred Plymouth Rock. Her comb dips down a little in the middle. She has a small black mark on her chest. A very mean, powerful hen, always reminding the hens lower than her that she is more powerful, and always bending over backwards to help her superiors. She was in the same factory, she laid eggs to eat, and when they escaped, she was nearly killed by a feral cat, which cut open her sides, but not before she tore out one of its eyes. Then Roger saved her. She and BrokenClaw needed immediate help, and LillyFoot did just that. When they got to LeafClan, she became BloodBeak, as her beak was still covered with dried blood. (SuperChickenDude327)

Middle Class:
Emberstorm: A robust Dark Cornish hen, who is tough and hardworking. She was purchased as a chick from the two-legs for Easter. They kept her until she didn't seem 'cute' to them anymore, setting her loose into the forest where they heard stories of other chickens lurking within it. Eventually, she came across LeafClan. Now at the developed age of three, she has managed to work her way up from being a lower class bird to a middle class bird. She currently works as a tree guard. (Zinnia-Hen)

Swallowsong: A large mottled hen with Ameraucana-like features, such as muffs and a beard, as well as olive legs. On top of this, she has a single-comb that flops to the side through her dense feathers. She is related to one of the chickens who started up the clans, and therefore takes much pride in her heritage. Although a bit cocky, she is fiercely loyal to those who rank higher than herself, and would take her life to protect the clan. She was born and raised amongst the clan normally, her mother being an upper class hen and her father a middle class. (Zinnia-Hen)

Raindrop: (( WIP ))

Whitesnake: (( WIP ))

TornFeather: A beautiful Barred Plymouth rock hen. Most of her feathers are highly contrasting black and white, as they have just grown in. She has a small comb, but it is very red. Her only flaw is her tattered wings. She is a vary tough bird, both phisically and mentally. She suffered through a very long time of being low in the pecking order, but her will to survive gave her a very gruff attitude. She will usually talk to her younger sister BrokenClaw, but almost no-one else. She has a large disliking of Roger. She is also a hunter/gatherer. TornFeather, called Scruffy at the time, was in a large, illegal Chicken farm with her sisters and Roger. All they did was breed chicks for meat or eggs. She was unfortunate, as she was one of the hens that had to lay the eggs for hatching. She was also very low on the pecking order, and she had lost almost ll her feathers. But between her seven sisters, they devised an escape. Every night, the farmer would shut down machinery, turn off the lights, and lock them up. One night, he forgot to lock it. After everyone was asleep, the eight sisters slipped out of the factory. But someone followed them. They all got into the bush, and decided t wait till morning. Unfortunately, a feral cat appeared, and attacked, killing four of her older sisters. It was about to kill BloodBeak when Roger appeared, driving off the cat with his spurs and claws. Although he didn't have much in spurs he had very sharp claws. Scruffy didn't like the rooster, as she remembered his sharp claws digging into her back. She drove him off, but not before he broke BrokenClaw's foot. Scruffy then helped her sisters stay alive by finding food, hunting snakes and mice and foraging for food. They eventually stumbled upon LeafClan, where Scruffy was renamed TornFeather. She then laid four eggs, the last fertile eggs from the hatchery. Fortunately, it was early spring. (SuperChickenDude327)

LillyFoot: She is very graceful, and has a beautiful voice. She has a large comb, and very pretty black and white feathers. Her only flaws are that she has no feathers whatsoever under her wings. She may seem pretty and graceful, but she is really mean when you get to know her. But she has a slight sensitivity to her, which comes from her past. LillyFoot, then named Gracie, had a few incidents. During her chick days, all her fluff was burnt off after she wandered too close to a heat vent. Then she almost drowned when they put the fire out. Later on in life, when she and her sisters were going to escape, she was put into a conveyor belt, destined to be killed. But she had a lucky save when the machines turned off. Her sisters rescued her, and they escaped. The cat attack didn't effect her much, but it gave her a new admiration for her sister TornFeather. When they reached the clans, she helped to heal her sisters, and was called LillyFoot. (SuperChickenDude327)

Bluestorm: A small rose come brown leghorn hen, her feathers are like any other's. Streaked with gold on her neck getting darker and darker towards her tail. She is very picky about keeping them properly clean and well preened. She is a strong, resilient bird, molded by seasons of hardship in the wild. Her family escaped from their owner when she was a chick. She doesn't remember much from that time, and so has always been curious about any twolegs she comes across. Her sister was lost the day they escaped. Long thought to be dead by others, Bluestorm believes she will one day find her. Bluestorm's past has usually been calm and peaceful since she adapted quickly to living in the forest, although she did have a run in with pack of dogs, a foolish mistake that cost her several days of hiding in a pine tree, until they left. She works as a hunter/gatherer. (crazyaboutchickens)

Bluestar: Grayish, but in the sun you can see a faint blue sheen. Has black speckles on wingtips. Flies under the radar, however dreams of one day doing something that will really make a difference. Always appeared to be the shy one in the flock, those who knew her well knew her true personality. She was one of the main organizers in the escape effort. She is a hunter/gatherer (Fierlin)

HeatherBeak: A buff Orpington with a spikey comb. Rather small for her breed. She is a golden color with small white feathers mixed in. She is very pretty but thinks she is ugly. Has a small but pretty voice and will be loud when she needs to be. Is kind and gentle. Loves chicks, and hates people who bully chicks because they aren't high on the pecking order. Will almost never loose her temper. Is very shy and does not usually speak up due to her past. Was lowest on the pecking order. The jealous hens picked on her and called her ugly. Her owners wanted her to have chicks, but the hens wouldn't let her mate. her owners got mad at her and threw her in the woods. She stumbled upon LeafClan a few days later, and vowed never to go back. (Jallny)

Sageweaver: A Japanese bantam mix, Sage's build is very similar to a pure. Striking green tail plumage, feathers long and gracefully arched; Snowy white body, brilliantly red comb and face. He is just above the average height of a JB, legs longer and lankier, overall less compact. His eyes are copper-yellow, legs sooty. Although Sage is smart, he at times (quite often) comes off as a rather arrogant, cocky, young rooster. Freely handing out sarcasm and rude comments to anyone. He has it just hard enough to be wary and possesses just enough common sense and discipline not to take too many chances. Sage and his mother were the extent of his family. His mother had no other chicks and his father never really had a part. They were loners, his mother, as with hers before her, had always been. Life was fast, and often times frightening for the two. Sage was 6 months when his mother was taken by a night creature. He never found out what it had been, never wanted to know. He left loner life as fast as he possibly could after that. Full well knowing one bird against the world wasn't gonna cut it. (Gerbs)

Snowfall: Snowfall is a bantam white Orpington; she has beautiful fluffy white feathers and bright gold eyes. She has scars on her back and chest from a hawk attack. She is quiet, calm, and patient. She tries her best to please every one and gets taken advantage of. Snowfall wishes to be a mother. She and her sister were purchased as chicks by a family for easter. The family didn't really care about either of them and left them in kennels in cold dark room. One day one of young girls became mad and released Snowfall and her sister. They squawked and ran for the woods. But soon Snowfall's sister was taken by the hawk and it nearly took Snowfall with it as well. She wandered for days until she found LeafClan. (wildriverswolf90)

Longtail: A very pretty silver Phoenix bantam, his tail feathers look like they were frosted with white instead of all black. His tailfeathers are 5 feet long and his saddle feathers drag on the ground 3 feet long. Calm, doesn't like to hurt other chickens, loves to make others feel better. Was raised by humans, one day he scratched one of them because they plucked one of his feathers and they threw him into the woods. (chickenlover237)
Lower Class:
Rosepetal: A tiny, rather skittish black-laced red hen. (( WIP ))

CrystalBeak: (( WIP ))

BrokenClaw: She has a fairly small head with large eyes and a small red comb. Her feathers are slightly brownish. She is very weak, and will usually tell other chickens what they want to hear so that she won't get hurt. She doesn't socialize with anyone but DustFeather, WillowMuff, or TornFeather. The only other chicken she speaks with is Roger, when he's around. She was in the same factory as her sister, but seperated by a chain link fence. Before she broke her claw, BrokenClaw was named Samantha. Samantha was in line to be slaughtered. When the farmer forgot to lock the doors, her and her sisters broke out. When they were attacked by the cat, Samanha didn't know what to do, until Roger came along. During TornFeather's fight with him, Roger accidentally steped on her foot and both sprained that toe and broke off her rear claw. That angered TornFeather enough to drive Roger away. Two weeks after, she and her sisters joined LeafClan, where she immediately took in two little chicks, named DustFeather and WillowMuff. She is currently acting as their mother. (SuperChickenDude327)

Redflower: A 3-year-old black Silkie hen. Her comb is rather small, even for a hen. She doesn't really have an occupation, she just generally works for the flock wherever needed. She is quiet, and seems content in being of the lower class. She is very respectful and polite. She was out gathering berries one day, and it began to storm. She she travelled in the direction she thought her flock was, but became confused in the rain and wind. After several moons of searching, she found LeafFlock. (Anilee)




SplitFlock has Fawn creek flowing straight through it, which is partly why its name was given to it. Recently, a young cockerel attempted to overthrow the current leader, a powerful Buff Orpington named SunFeather. The young cockerel, a Serema named RazorClaws, fled across the river, but began to slowly steal hens and allow roosters into his flock. Now, SplitFlock is divided between ThunderFlock and SunClan. Sunclan is lead by SunFeather, and ThunderClan is led by RazorClaws.

Antics of SunClan
Sunclan allows anyone to join them, be it rooster or hen, as long as they keep the peace. They allow brooding by anyone, even lower class. Otherwise they have the same antics as any other clan.

Antics of ThunderFlock
The roosters keep peace, and are thus named Peacemakers. Hens are allowed to stay for breeding, and are mostly kept as lower class. A hen has to brood. That's RazorClaws' way to keep the hens at his Clan, just in case.

The Pecking Order of SunClan:

SunFeather: A large, 4-year-old Buff Orpington. He carries many scars, most of which cut aong his chest, leaving it almost bare. He haz a comb with a long cut that nearly cuts halfway along his comb, dealt by RazorClaws. He is the strong and wise leader of SunClan. He listens to everything that anyone has to say, and respond both kindly and commandingly. He has learned to know when someone is lying. SunFeather started in a farm, and helped seven hens and three roosters escape by cutting through a fence. He did this by causing the farmer to swing at him with an ax, slicing open the fence and allowing them to escape. They fled, and the farmer sent dogs after them. They quickly got into the trees, and only lost one hen. They then left, and arrived at LeafClan on their way to their final site of SunClan. The other chickens admired SunFeather, and they followed his descision. All of the original members, as well as a few others from LeafClan, left with SunFeather to Sunclan. They crossed Fawn Creek, and found a destroyed cottage. From there they began to build. SunFeather was immediatly made leader by the others, and has ruled for two years now, defeating challengers from many places, most not from his own clan. He is a kind ruler, and allows brooding for half of the year, except in fall or winter. Recently, a young serema with incredibly sharp claws challenged him, named Razorclaws. He drove him away, but the tiny chicken had stolen a few roosters and two hens. Since then, he and his gang have stolen many a hen, and allow roosters far and wide into their 'clan'. (SuperChickenDude327)

Upper Class:

Middle Class:
Tallsky: A large Sumatran rooster. He is mostly light grey with tips of black on his neck feathers. He has a tall single comb and dark brown irises. He is a tree guard. He lives in the moment, and is very optimistic. He enjoys being social and having friends. He grew up as a loner, and joined SunClan recently. (Anilee)

Lower Class:



The Pecking Order of ThunderClan:

RazorClaws: A quick grey Serema with white highlights on a few of his feathers, making him almost look like a thundercloud. He has a very sharp beak, and even sharper talons. His talons are a good two inchs long, longer than most claws on large fowl, and razor sharp. He is a very cruel alpha, but incredible with words. He convinces almost any hen that they steal- oh, sorry, 'rescue'- that they were rescuing them, not stealing them. He will always take a challenge, and is good at fighting. He flies up and swipes at the challenger's head, neck, and chest, causing massive bleeding, and usually doesn't stop until the other rooster is dead, or when he flees. Even then, he may go after them. He keeps control through his young roosters, which he calls his 'peacemakers'. He was born in SunClan, and grew quickly, learning fighting from SparMaster SwiftTalon, who told him about the three S's, Speed, Strength, and Skill. Before SwiftTalon could finish training, RazorClaws challenged SunFeather, and ultimatly lost, though he almost succeded in cutting through his comb before he was defeated. Then, he and a few roosters fled.(SuperChickenDude327)

Upper Class:
Raincloud: A mottled grey mutt rooster. He has grey legs, black eyes and a v-comb. The feathers on his head puff out slightly, indicating that he is part polish or sultan. He is graceful, stoic, mysterious and charming. He was born a pet, but escaped when one of the coop's walls broke. He has almost died several times, but this has only made him stronger. (Anilee)

Middle Class:

Lower Class:
Cherrypetal: A bird of Welsummer heritage, her feathers colored like the typical hen of the breed, though her body is more upright and slim. She also has a pea comb in place of a single comb. Unlike the other hens of ThunderFlock, she willingly came with RazorClaws and his new group of chickens. Cherrypetal believes SunFeather is an unjust rooster who deserves to be thrown out of power. She voices her opinions loudly, and does not care what others think. A bit selfish at times. Unfortunately, being a hen, she is thrown into being a lower class egg machine. (Zinnia-Hen)




Nestled deep in the forest, lies a small clan of peace. Established in 1959 by the great-grandson of LeafClan's founder and first leader, BerryClan was created to be a convent-like space for believers of a religion based off of the views of StarClan. The lush, green environment of the clan is the home of many plants and animals, the abundance of life making it so the chickens of BerryClan can survive without a problem. The clan's main grounds, located towards the southwestern part of the territory, is split into two halves. One side houses the roosters, while the other is for the hens. Each are complete with sleeping quarters, a food hall, a bathhouse, and a temple. The only difference between the two is that the hen's side has a nursery and the rooster's does not. Between the two sections is a shrine that also serves as a meeting area, where a ceremonial feast is held at the start of each season. The tunnels also run under the main grounds, as well as an opening. Travellers are allowed to stop at BerryClan considering it is a neutral place. During times of war, refugees are allowed in.

Clan antics:
As stated earlier, the clan's religion is based off of the beliefs of StarClan. The convent's members believe that the sun is a masculine force and the moon is a feminine force, each of them the true identities of Sol and Luna. Sol, said to be a shining golden rooster with a flowing tail, and Luna, a hen with purple eyes and feathers as black as the night, are believed to have created the solar system. Each of them own lavish temples, Sol's made of gold and Luna's of onyx. Holy scriptures state that deceased high priests and priestesses are sent to live here during the afterlife, and can then help themselves to an easy life. Everyone else is sent to StarClan. Fighting is prohibited between convent members, and even outside forces, and blackberries are only to be used or eaten during ceremonies.

High Priest (name ends in -sun. Their title when being spoken to is 'father'. Every five sun circles, a new High Priest is elected by the convent brothers and sisters. He must be a wise, senior monk who is skilled in the ways of healing, speaking, mentoring, and so forth. During the spring ceremony, he and the High Priestess choose five hens and five roosters. The five roosters are paired with the five hens, and later must fertilize the hen he is paired with. Each hen then must lay an egg, and the High Priestess must brood them)
High Priestess (name ends in -moon. Their title when being spoken to is 'mother'. Above, the same correlates to her)
Holy Scribes (there can only be two; one male, one female. They lead religious gatherings with the Priest/Priestess on their assigned gender-section and are highly educated)
Monks (male convent members. Their title when being adressed is 'brother')
Nuns (female convent members. Their title when being adressed is 'sister')
Scribes (up to six, three male, three female. They are highly educated and work at the temples, and take care of holy scriptures. When new scribes come in, two of each gender are chosen to become mentors)
Mentors (one male, one female. They teach the chicks once they hit the age of two months and become novices)
Novices (chicks two months of age and over. They usually graduate to become a nun/monk/scribe when they become a year old)
Chicks (chicks under two months of age. Once they hit the age of two months, they are given the option to become novices or leave)
Refugee (chickens who live under the safety of the convent's roofs, usually during war times)

The Lunar Code:
1. Treat all living souls with kindness and respect. No exceptions.
2. No physical, claw-on-claw brawls.
3. Luna, Sol, and StarClan before yourself. Thank them for your life and freedom.
4. Food is to be shared. Blackberries are only to be eaten or used during ceremonies.
5. Respect your elders.
6. Enlighten chickens, and bring them peace when you can.
7. Do not cross clan boundaries unless told otherwise by authorities.
After a chicken agrees to these rules during a celebration, they must have their left leg embedded with black stone if female, or their right leg embedded with white stone if male. After the celebration, the new monks and nuns must venture out to the highest peak in BerryClan and hold a silent vigil overnight. If these rules are broken, the offender will be kicked out and frowned upon.

The Pecking Order of BerryClan:

High Priest:
BrightSun: A large, shapely silver Phoenix rooster. His sickle feathers barely sweep against the ground, while his shining green tail feathers trail far out behind him. BrightSun is very open to outsiders and welcomes them all to his clan, no matter who they are. Although he seems quite easygoing at first, once you get to know him he can seem quite uptight or strict. But for the most part, many agree he is a good leader for BerryClan. He was hatched at the nearest farm and stayed there up until he heard of BerryClan's religion. Being curious, he managed to leave the farm and find out more about this clan. He soon became a monk, and then after four years, he became a senior monk and was therefore eligible for becoming a candidate in the election of the leaders every five sun circles. Of course, he won and was granted the title of the new Holy Priest. (Zinnia-Hen)

High Priestess:

Holy Scribes:


Bluesky: A blue impure cochin hen. She has black eyes and a short single comb. She isn't as dedicated as other members of BerryClan. She would prefer to adventure out in the forest. She enjoys being with friends. She doesn't like being told what to do. She has drifted through many clans in the past, and doesn't stay in one place for long. (Anilee)







IceGaze: A tall, dark Cornish/Malay mix hen. She has a strong, muscular build as well as burly yellow legs and a powerful beak of the same color. She is named for her frosty blue glare. IceGaze has been The Colonel's partner in crime ever since she was a younger pullet. Now at the age of two, she is his favorite hen and she enjoys being a part of his group. She was hatched and raised in BerryClan, until she decided she wasn't cut out for clan life. Even though they had a bit of a rough attitude like she did back at home, IceGaze wanted a more adventurous life. (Zinnia-Hen)

SageThicket: A massive six year old hen, her feathers a sooty black, and her face aged and war torn. Her skin is black and she has a walnut comb, indicating she may have some Silkie blood in her. SageThicket's haggard looks and towering height shouldn't fool you, however. She is indeed a warm, motherly soul who cares about those who live around her. She has mothered many chicks and loves every single one of them. For a good portion of her life, she has lived as a loner with The Colonel, though she has been exposed to other groups and roosters as well. (Zinnia-Hen)

The Colonel: A tall, handsome, five year old cuckoo Leghorn rooster. Quiet and mischievous in attitude, quite the nuisance. He is, however, the type to lure you in or suddenly surprise you with an attack. He was a color experiment rooster, bred by one of the first chicken farmer's in the area's great-grandson. The Colonel was always up to no good. At the tender age of nine months, he was in a breeding pen with a white Leghorn hen when he managed to work his way out at night. The young rooster had heard of the local clans before, and headed just there. Although he was rejected several times by several of the clans, he decided he wasn't cut out for clan life anyway and instead decided it would be best if he stayed a loner, stirring up trouble like he had always done before. The Colonel now resides with three stolen hens; IceGaze, SageThicket, and Winterhawk. (Zinnia-Hen)

Winterhawk: Tiny and plump, with snow white feathers and golden eyes. A mere ball of soft fluff. Winterhawk is innocent in nature, and quite afraid The Colonel, who is currently holding her captive for his own needs. Winterhawk was originally a part of BerryClan. She managed to escape in the middle of the night, just to run into The Colonel and his two hens. Finding her to be quite beautiful, he took her in as his own. (Zinnia-Hen)

Roger: A beautiful Golden Laced Wyandotte Rooster. His tail-feathers haven't come in very much, and his spurs are only nubs, but his claws are razor-sharp. His left eye is lazy. He is a rogue, wandering around and stealing hens to mate with when he can. He is very bothersome, and every morning LeafClan can hear his crowing. However, he has a soft spot for BrokenClaw, and will often bring a mouse for her when he comes near LeafClan. In the factory, he was one of the mating roosters, and had mated with at least one of the Barred Rock sisters. He disliked TornFeather for her angry rage towards the two-legs. One night, he heard the eight of them sneak out, and decided to follow them. When he came upon the cat, he drove it away by beating it WI his claws and spurs, and crowing. Then, TornFeather got angry and began to drive him away. During their fight, he accidentally sprained BrokenClaw's toe. When he turned to help, Tornfeather pummeled him, driving him away. He followed a short distance behind, but didn't dare go near them after they entered the clan. Since then, he has repaired his relationship with BrokenClaw by giving her mice and worms. (SuperChickenDude327)

Thistleclaw: A tall, muscular Aseel rooster with the typical characteristics of that breed. He has hard, straight feathers which are difficult to penetrate and are coloured in various shades of red, black and orange. His bones are incredibly hard and strong, allowing him to sustain more injury than the average bird and be able to walk away from it. His comb and wattles are nearly non-existent on his head and his claws and beak are sharpened beyond their natural state with rocks and other forest materials. He is cold hearted and cruel, never caring about anyone but himself. He knows he is strong and acts like it, his personality is very commanding and defiant to those who try and tell him what to do. His selfish nature causes him to work alone most of the time, he has no Clan or followers... yet. He is somewhat reckless and not afraid to take risks in order to achieve that he wants and often jumps into things without planning, as he believes that fate will decide who wins or loses.(HollyBird24)

Bluerose: A frizzled Polish bantam, her feathers of dark chocolate and her attitude rather peculiar.



Basics of the environment: The clans are set in the northwestern coastal forests of Washington state. Year round, the weather tends to be chilly, misty, and quite rainy. The winter brings snow, and the summer brings a few months of sunlight and mild tempuratures. The forests are very lush, and filled with all sorts of life.

Fawn creek: One of the many sources of water in the area. It runs through and around the flocks; and is named for the population of deers that tend to live around its shores.

The logging road: On the edge of the main clan's boundaries, is an old logging road. At the end of this dirt path is a small logging area. You can hear cars and trucks driving down it from a distance. Many clans set times for when it is okay to be in this area, as many camp, shoot, and hunt around this area, not to mention logging trucks have been known to run down chickens before.

The farm: A small driveway leads to a ranch cut into the middle of a forest. Horses, cows, goats, and even other fowl live here. Many clans prohibit their members from going into this area.

The Shrine of StarClan: A city-like environment that serves as a marketplace and neutral meeting place for chickens of all clans. Fighting is not allowed here, as the grounds are considered to be sacred. The area is open everyday of the week, unless it's a full moon day. On full moon days, all clans of the area meet up to discuss current events and to remember those who belong to StarClan. It is also to be noted that each clan's leader picks out one warrior who they deem is worthy enough to defend the land, and send them to be peacekeepers at the shrine during the day. Occasionally, there will be switch offs. Within the shrine is an extinct volcano vent that opened up and became much like a tunnel. Conveniently, it leads towards the west by the ocean, where a few more clans reside. Sometimes chickens will use these paths as a trading path.
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Be sure to ask me if you would like a clan. There is a maximum of four in the area, for now.
Be sure to ask me if you would like a clan. There is a maximum of four in the area, for now.

Can I make a clan?

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