Leaking roof - worth getting?


7 Years
Mar 29, 2014
Hello all,

I'm looking for an inexpensive coop for starting with, then will work on making a pallet coop over the summer. We have to put in a fence and get our deck restained before I can start building a coop (my consensus with hubby for getting chickens is getting other projects done first). I want to get my chickens sooner than later and would love to go the the spring poultry swap in 6 weeks.

I found a CL add - here is the link. http://portland.craigslist.org/clk/grd/4405622806.html

Other than the leaking roof, it looks pretty solid. I am going to only have 3 chickens. I'm new to the handy woman stuff and want to know if:

1 - this looks big enough to start with 3 chickens (city limit) until I can get a better coop built. I'd like to start with red star or plymouth rock pullets and an easter egger, depending on what pullets I can find.

2 - Am I looking at just starting over with the roof rather than trying to salvage it? i have several pallets - would it be best to put in rafter for ventilation with a large overhang? I saw that on one thread here - also thinking of placing the coop up on stilts so it is waist high. We have a rebuilding center, so should be able to get this at cost.

3 - What is a fair offer considering the amount of work to make it water tight? We live in Portland so rain is a big issue.

It is a bit of a drive, so don't want to get this coop if it's not going to work. Any input from experienced coop builders is greatly appreciated.


Start at $100 if they refuse you can up it, a piece of metal roofing should be enough to cover it and at least make it water tight.
The ad says only the nesting box is leaking. Doesn't seem like much at all to fix it. It's plenty big enough for three birds. I'd build a bigger run for it though.

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