Learn from my MISTAKE!


15 Years
Feb 3, 2008
Do not make the door open inwards on the coop!

I didn't think it was a big deal. So, I would have to push the shavings out of the way when I opened the door. Whatever.

Well, the chickens have now decided that they like ROOSTING ON THE OPEN DOOR!

So every night when I go to lock them up, I have to climb up the crap covered roost ladder and reach precariously over to the door and grab each chicken (usually at least 3) off the top of the door trying not to fall into the lovely shavings below - trying not to drop the chicken that is flapping crazily at this point cause I was only able to grab one leg and get her onto the actual roosts!

Some day, someone is going to get hurt!

I did try just closing the door slowly to push them off, but they stick their necks down to look at me and see what I am doing, so I run the risk of decapitating them!


Every. Single. Night.
An idea that might work and would be easier than changing the door:

You might try attaching some flexible wire mesh that extends a few inches above the top of the door to the inside of the top section of door. The door would still be able to close, but the chickens wouldn't be able to perch on the door because the wire would make it impossible for them to balance and perch.

We had to staple flexible mesh above the center rafter of one of our coops so the big chickens wouldn't perch on it and then injure their feet when jumping down so far.
I am sorry but that made me laugh. I could picture it all. Thank you for your tip...we are making the door tomorrow and I will be sure to tell my husband.
SpeckledHills - You are brilliant! Why on earth didn't I think of that?

This is why I love you people!
Thanks [blush] I feel loved!
Maybe I thought of it because I've spent probably over 150 hours on such adaptations to our coops. Special obsessive hobby...

BTW--Such meaningful emphasis you gave re. the tedium: "Every. Single. Night." Very hilarious!
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