Left for vacation and returned to 65 developing chicks


May 22, 2020
Santa Barbara, CA
I went on vacation for about a week and a half, and got back yesterday. This morning I went out to the coop and saw 4 Brooding! I candeled all the eggs out there (around 100-120), as the person who was supposed to collect the eggs over the week, did not. Anyways, we now have 22 small Sebrights and Cochin eggs under one of our Cochin mixes, 11 or 12 of a variety of standard size under another Cochin, 8-10 more standard under a Cochin mix, and 20 in the incubator.

As much as I love my chickens, 65 chicks is a bit much. We should be selling as soon as they hatch.

My one worry is that my Frizzle Cochin cockerel bred with my two Frizzle pullets, which at least 5 of the eggs are from. If anybody knows how to care for Frazzles if that does happen, please let me know.
I'm not familiar with those breeds, but I do remember hearing that frazzles are a no no because of health issues, but not much you can do about that since your helper did not help 🥺 I hope someone is able to give you some good advice though. I think I would cry if I came home to that many chickens 😅 Hopefully you are able to find them all lovely homes.
Can.you lost any pics and nfo of the results you got? I'm really interested to know
We ended up having 30 hatch, and have already sold half.
The first one who hatched^

what we have left^

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