Left-over koi food?


11 Years
Jun 1, 2008
Southern CA
Last year our fish died. When I was going through the garage this weekend I found a half of a bag left of floating fish food pellets, and I wondered if I could feed them to my duck. The crude protein, fat, fiber, and phosphorus amounts are all very similar to the feed she is currently eating but it also has 500mg of Vitamin C which is not in her current feed. I know you shouldn't give citrus to chickens, but what about ducks?
Well she loves it! As soon as she sees me drop a few into her tub she starts making her "happy" noise. Just to be safe though I'm only giving it to her once in a while along with her normal food.
I wouldn't feed koi food to anything you care about. There's alot of junk in fish foods. Fish can eat about anything. I know there was at least one post on here or another chicken forum when I first signed up of someone that had sick chickens after feeding pond pellets for catfish. I especially wouldn't feed year old anything that hasn't been kept frozen or very well sealed.

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