Legbar or Orpington Cross

Legbar Lover

In the Brooder
Jul 9, 2018
Now this is really weird. I hatched some eggs for a friend. They were mostly lavender orpington eggs, although there were a couple of smaller white eggs that she said the hens were mixed breed, rooster was an Orpington. She didn’t give me a full incubator so I added some of my cream legbar eggs to fill it up. 21 days later they hatch and I have this blond chick with the legbar stripe. Keep in mind her eggs came from her house and my eggs came from mine. Completely different eggs. I didn’t pay any attention to what chicks came out of what egg. I assumed Orpington and legbar it would be obvious. But I have this blond chick. You can’t tell but there are even thin stripes on each side of the middle stripe. It looks exactly like a legbar girl except for how light it is. The stripes are sharp like a girl and no white mark on the head. None of my chicks have ever been this light but I am working with a new rooster this year.

So what do you think, mix breed/Orpington or really light legbar?

I think I am interested enough to see how she comes out. I will probably keep her when my friend comes to get her babies. She looks so much like a legbar, although I know there are other breeds that are striped, but if it is one of hers it is the only one of the whole batch that has a stripe.

PS lavender Orpington chicks are sooooo cute and a real pleasure.
If it is her chick it is at least half Orpington.

I will keep her for now and see how she grows. It she is a light cream legbar that would be cool. I don’t know what is genetically possible in legbars but my girls have lots of different farm lines in them so who knows what is possible. Unless someone comes and bursts my bubble and says it isn’t possible to get this color legbar. They start to develope their crests fairly quickly if I remember. And it isn’t like she eats much.
My first thought was that it was a lav orp or at least a mix where mum or dad was a lav. Lavs have a creamier underside until the feather out. She/he will be pretty either way.

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