Leghorn Cross??


XL College Raised Eggs
10 Years
Oct 11, 2009
I have a White Leghorn roo and was wondering what would happen if I raised cross breeds with some of my hens. Egg production, Meat, and Broodiness would all be helpful if anyone knows.

WL + Buff Orp
WL + Barred Rock
WL + Silver Lace Wyandotte
WL + Black Australorp

Thanks - I'm new to the whole incubating and hatching eggs, but I want to put the roo away with a good layer from one of those breeds and mix it up a bit:cool:
I know Leghorns are not known for being broody, even though my hen is...I'm not sure if your rooster would pass that on to his crossbred offspring though. Barred Rocks are really good egg layers, I used to have them, so that would be a good cross for laying hens, and probably decent for meat--obviously not like a specifically meat breed, but a good all-purpose cross I would think. I don't have any experience with the other breeds.
most of them will bee white with leaking color. the white is dominate. i only got one hen left. she is about 6 months old her pop was white leghorn and mom was black asutralop. she is white with grey leaking trough.

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