Leghorn hen? Yes? No? Help me name her, too


Free Ranging
7 Years
Apr 23, 2017
Richmond, MO
I've had this beautiful girl for a couple of years, but never bothered to research her breed or give her a name - I have so many, it seemed pointless. However, she is growing on me in her curious and alert personality, her ability to stay so sleek and clean, and the abundant number of eggs she gives me. I currently have several pullets and cockerels with white/mixed coloring coming along (I believe from her eggs), so now I'm interested in confirming her breed.

The particulars: She came from a rescue situation, with several "pairs" of chickens of various breeds, at about 6 months old. I said "pairs" because we were told they were male/female pairs of each breed - but no information came about which breeds. Of 12 birds, she turned out to be the only pullet. She mixes with the flock quite well, no aggressiveness. Never seen her go broody. Never flown over our fence, but she's often the first one through the gate when I let them free-range, and leads the pack to their favorite hangouts. She moves fast and is rarely still. She lays one large white egg - every - single - day. She is smaller than most of my other hens. Four toes. Single comb with 5 points, that flops forwards over her beak. Holds her tail erect. Light yellow/tan legs and beak. White earlobe. Orange-gold eyes.

I read up on the breed characteristics and compared photos for about 20 white chicken breeds, and I believe she's a Leghorn. Agree? If not, what is she?

Also, what name suggestions do you have?

I think I'll call her "Lipstick" - partly because of how her bright pink comb and wattles stand out against that blazing white. But also because of her "flap" or floppy comb, after one of the most famous flappers of the 1920's - Lois Long - who wrote for The New Yorker and Vanity Fair publications. I love this description of her!:

"In person, Long, known by the pen-name "Lipstick" Long, was the embodiment of the flapper girl, with her dark bobbed hair, her cigarettes, her whiskey, her flapper dress and her brash attitude. She said what she meant and pulled no punches to save peoples' feelings. She controlled her finances, destiny, and lifestyle. She drank, danced, and slept with whom she wanted in all corners of New York City. Lois Long was famous for returning to the New Yorker offices in the wee hours of the morning, drenched in booze and sweat, after a long night of drinking and dancing--stripping down into her slip, and hammering out her column that was due."
--- Jesse Boland

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