Leghorn laying again/moulting question


10 Years
May 21, 2009
North Carolina
Hi all, I just wanted to share my happiness with you. I have a 20 mo old leghorn hen. She has had a horrible time this fall. She moulted and lost her place in the pecking order. She of course stopped laying. She still seems to be out of the pecking order, she has a hard time getting food, but today she layed a beautiful white egg. First one in months. Now if my white Easter Egger would just start laying again, I would be even more happy.
Both of these birds seem to be on edge. The EE was always friendly and my son carried her around in his hood. She would sit on his lap while he did his homework but now no one can catch her, not even my son. She used to eat out of our hands, but no more. Has anyone else seen this behavior when moulting?
Good for your leghorn!

Any bird will get rather grumpy and jumpy when they molt. I think it's just uncomfortable only having part of their plumage and all of those stiff pinfeathers poking everywhere. They generally just want to be left alone until they get through it. So if that's what your EE is going through now, then I'd consider it normal. She should go back to her old self once she's finished.
You mention she has a hard time getting food----do you need to add another feeder so she has better chances of not getting chased away?

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