Leghorn, right?


In the Brooder
May 13, 2015
Hot Springs, AR

Still new to chickens but I think this is a leghorn, when we got her as a little chick the guy said she was a golden sex link but she doesn't look like one now she's grown up some
She is a good chicken but matches the behavior decspriptions I read about them being nervous and flighty
A lot of Mediterranean breeds (Leghorns, Minorca, etc.) have descriptions of being skittish, but that factor can be won over. My Leghorns are very friendly, follow me everywhere, jump on my lap, and like to be stroked. They don't like to be held, or picked up, more just being pet.
A lot of Mediterranean breeds (Leghorns, Minorca, etc.) have descriptions of being skittish, but that factor can be won over. My Leghorns are very friendly, follow me everywhere, jump on my lap, and like to be stroked. They don't like to be held, or picked up, more just being pet. 

Yeah she keeps her distance when outside, except for when I have treats in my hand, but when putting them to bed she is sweet as can be!

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