Leghorns from ideal poultry hatchery.


9 Years
Jun 14, 2013
i was thinking about getting some leghorns from ideal poultry. i want to get some red, exchequer, light brown, dark brown, buff, and white only. i was wondering if anyone else had purchased any of these male and/or female. If you do i was wondering if you had any pictures of them as adults, and how good they are at laying. Also what does a leghorn hamburg cross looked like? thanks for any help.
I ordered brown leghorns from Ideal. 5 hens and a roo..

The rooster is a beautiful young man. He started crowing about 14 weeks, and started courting the ladies at 17 weeks.. The hens are flighty, and don't really desire interaction with wifey and I, but they are growing well.

They are 19 weeks old tomorrow.. No eggs yet, but they appear to be getting close.

I don't have any pictures on this computer, but i do from my home computer, and I can post those later.
I ordered brown leghorns from Ideal. 5 hens and a roo.. 

The rooster is a beautiful young man. He started crowing about 14 weeks, and started courting the ladies at 17 weeks.. The hens are flighty, and don't really desire interaction with wifey and I, but they are growing well. 

They are 19 weeks old tomorrow.. No eggs yet, but they appear to be getting close.

I don't have any pictures on this computer, but i do from my home computer, and I can post those later. 
Thanks I will be waiting. ;)
I found some pictures on the phone.

These are 18.5 week old Brown Leghorns from Ideal.


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