Leigh Chickens


In the Brooder
Aug 18, 2016
Hello everyone,
We live in SE Ky and have chickens for years, more than 15. We have had all types and breeds. We also had red bourbon turkeys. Hate that someone stole our big tom. Our newest additions, silks was the reason for my visit. Seems they are the babies of the chicken breeds and I have to learn how to handle them. I put them to bed every night since they refuse to go into the coop at night. At only 10 weeks old I am in love with their look and sweetness. Thanks for having me and have a great day.
Thank You. I will search for answers. I know so far they are a different breed than any I have had before.
Maybe they have a reason to be afraid to enter the coop at dusk. Silkies are a breed that tends to get picked on and bullied, simply because they look so different. Might be what is going on and they are upset by it. You might also try have a small light on timer, to give some time to enter before all is dark.
The main reason for them not going into the coop is...they can't see! They don't like going...up. With that top, they can't see up. I usually put mine to bed too, but, have let them sleep out in the corner of the run since it's so warm anyway. They will go into a different run for the winter. They won't have to worry abut going up onto a roost. Not too many silkies will roost.


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