Let’s talk meracks

local vet wants to charge me 180$. how do i find a state lab? I am in east tennessee. I will try to post a video on youtub and upload it. ive been so upset all day that ive nearly made myself sick.
Hold. I'll give you the direct link to your state lab. Be right back with it.
I was feeding then scraps and scratch feed. but was informed to give chick started again. So i ran out and bought some yesterday.
This could be the problem.
The scraps and scratch feed is not a complete or balanced diet.

You can feed them the chick starter feed until they get closer to egg laying age and then switch them to a layer type feed but I highly recommend throwing away the scratch and stopping the scraps for good.
I was feeding then scraps and scratch feed. but was informed to give chick started again. So i ran out and bought some yesterday.
I would definitely think nutritional. Do you have any nutradrench or poultry cell? 0.50 mg morning and night directly on the beaknor on a treat, see if it helps. I'd also send a fecal to the link I posted.

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