Lethargic Blue Azure


In the Brooder
Feb 13, 2021
We have a Blue Azure chicken that stopped laying about 4 weeks back. She's been looking fine and I'd attributed it to molting or simply needing a break. Yesterday I notice her tail dropped. This morning she did come out with the rest but is looking very lethargic, tail dropped, aware but more or less non-responsive to the world outside, no interest in eat. Just not looking good. T

he girls spend most of their time in a large run so it's hard to know what poop she's left behind but I haven't noticed anything unusual on the ground.

These are symptoms that sound a bit like being egg bound but it's been much more than 48 hrs since she laid. There has been avian flu in the province but there are no other symptoms that would make me think this is the issue.

Any thoughts or suggestions?
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Is difficult to tell if it's bloated. Since this morning I'd notice a white poop running down her bottom. I also see a white/greeny (seagull) poop on the ground.

She is doing the penguin walk.

Maybe an obstruction but she'd stop laying so long ago?
Is difficult to tell if it's bloated. Since this morning I'd notice a white poop running down her bottom. I also see a white/greeny (seagull) poop on the ground.

She is doing the penguin walk.

Maybe an obstruction but she'd stop laying so long ago?
To see of her abdomen is bloated feel around underneath the vent behind the legs. If she has a messy butt, is walking like a penguin, and hasn't laid an egg in awhile I suspect she has ascites. Do some research on ascites.

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