Lethargic, can't keep neck up


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 1, 2012
Clermont, GA
Help! I have a pullet (13 weeks) that this morning I found in a corner of the coop, not moving. When I picked her up I saw that she was moving/breathing, but really weak. I immediately brought her inside and gave her liquids through a syringe, as well as some electrolytes. She seemed to be getting better, moving more and attempting to eat. It has been 5 hours since we first gave her liquids/food/etc and she now is barely moving, just laying on her side. I think and hope she might just be finally resting - but I'm wondering what could be wrong.

She gets picked on by other hens - so could this be crooked neck? Could she maybe not have been getting enough food because of the other older hens keeping her away?

None of my other chickens appear sick, in fact they all appear rather healthy. She was healthy looking until this morning.

I talked to my vet and described the symptoms, he said to keep doing what I was doing with the liquid, food, and electrolytes.

what did the vet say? it could be a possibility that she was not getting enough food but you would notice by how thin she would be. any other symptoms? mucus; rattling when breathing; anything at all that could give more clues?
She does she thinner than her sister, that I got at the same time. I'm waiting for the vet to call me back about the latest updates (cloudy eyes, labored breathing). She doesn't have any mucus, her vent is clear, and she is now having trouble breathing. She cannot stand anymore.

When I found her this morning she was on her side. I was able to get her to stand on both feet for a little bit, but now she doesn't want to stand at all.

After much research I think it is a virus or botulism. However, no other birds are showing symptoms at the moment.

At this point I'm just trying to keep her comfy, but I think she is on her way out :(
I am having the same issue with a 14 week old speckled sussex...she has walked around but is lethargic and now seems to want to only lay on her side...she keeps closing her eyes, so I fear she is just waiting to die..it seems like such a LONG death..and I am terrified for her..what can I do?
Sophie53 - I've been doing tons of research, and still don't know for sure what is wrong. It turns out my pullets eyes aren't cloudy - she was just not opening her inner lid all of the way (I'm at school and my roommate made the mistake). I am using electrolytes and then a "tea" mixture with apple cider vinegar, garlic, oregano, basil, mint, and honey. As soon as I get home I am going to clean my whole coop from top to bottom, put DE everywhere and mix it in the food (I usually do this, but hadn't the last time I bought feed). I also am going to try to keep a record of every symptom, so I can call my vet with the most accurate info. Not really sure what else to do then wait it out.

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