Lethargic chick?

Update -

I decided to have my husband cull it. He was doing great yesterday, jumping around and eating/drinking normally. Even this morning when my husband checked on them, he was doing okay. He took a turn for the worst this afternoon, not sure why. I checked on him again about a half an hour ago and he had a blocked vent and was limp and gasping for breath. I cleaned his vent and dried his bottom, then wrapped him in a warm wash cloth. His labored breathing got worse and was completely limp, so I decided to have my husband go ahead and cull him so he didn't have to suffer any longer. He went to take him out to do so, and he died in my husband's hands before he even got the chance. Poor little chick.

RIP "Brownie"


Is there any way to know how it died or was it just a sickly little chick?

Edited to add pictures
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I'm so sorry--usually there is no way to know. Sometimes it is just they are stressed and too sick to make it...and I figure that may have been the issue. He was a cutie though and Brownie was a good name for him....!!!
Since this was my son's first "pet" to die, we decided to bury the little chick behind our house. My son, who is 12, wrote a very beautiful eulogy and he picked some flowers to put on the grave. He and my husband also built a wooden cross to put as a grave marker, and I wrote Brownie's name and his date of birth and death on it. We had a little service for the chick. I think it made my son happy.

edited b/c I forgot a word lol
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