Lethargic Chicken


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 22, 2013
See attached picture. This is Big Mama Red. I free range my chickens for the last few hours of the sun light. When I open the coop and run the 8 mature hens are waiting and run out enjoying themselves. Today BMR never came out and was just laying in the nester like this. Pretty much the whole time. I took her out and set her outside and she foraged a little and went back inside to this spot. Any thoughts. She is laying and about 7 months old.
Is it possible that she is becoming broody, and is wanting to sit on some eggs? Does she act a little upset if you touch her or try to take her off the nest. If she runs right back and gets on the nest, I might be tempted to say that she is broody. They tend to act like they are in a trance. This can be hard to tell from illness, so i would check her crop, maybe check her vent with a lubricated gloved finger for a stuck egg, and look at her poops. Another symptom of being broody is to poop a humongous smelly one when taken off the nest.
I have an 8 mth old Bantum that did the same thing 7 days ago. Definitely broody with all the telltale signs. Put her in a brooding box and have tried letting her out every 3 days but just as broody as day one. How long can I leave her in the brooding box? I feel mean that it is going on so long. She is so determined but babies not possible. She has plucked out all her chest feathers and is very agitated. Has put the other chickens in coup off the lay. Shall I just let her sit in the nesting box until she decides it's over?
She definitely wanted to get back to the nest box and she let me pick her up but that isn't abnormal. She is one of the more easily pet and held hens. She was our first layer. Being dazed is a good way to describe her. I will see what she is like tomorrow. Thanks for the help. There a couple of eggs in the other nests but she didn't sit on them. She picked a box without the eggs. Would that make a difference? Do broody hens always brood on eggs? We do not have a rooster. This is our first laying season so fairly new! Thanks again

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