Lethargic weakened hen


In the Brooder
May 10, 2020
Hey everyone, looking for advice. Leaning towards taking her in to a vet regardless, but it's an hour's drive one way and at earliest would be tomorrow.
EDIT: Panicked, got an app with the vet tomorrow. Still appreciate any advice or knowledge!

I have a Swedish Flower hen who I noticed yesterday acting very lethargic-- moving slow, no real interest in food. Tail drooping some. Possibly standing odd, a bit puffed out and wide-legged. Set her up in a crate with some electrolytes in her water, and she happily ate the calcium dusted wet cat food I offered. Picking half-heartedly at food today, eyes closed a lot, and preferring to sit down.

I worried she was egg bound (still worried), but I can't feel any noticable egg-ish bumps and she's not straining or standing "penguin-like". Her vent looks fine besides a bit of poo on the feathers (she actually has a reputation for a dirty rear, we just got through a series of baths with her). She does have a swollen bump on the top of one foot, but I'm not seeing obvious bumblefoot.

No egg from her today and assuming not yesterday, relatively small droppings. Looking at the two eggs I got today, I'm not sure she's been laying at all after the winter break.

Other two in the coop are acting perfectly fine. These ladies are just passing their third birthday so it's not age related.

Please help! I love this gal, and worried I'm missing the obvious.
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