Let's see your PHOENIX CHICKENS! :D

The bedding still smells and looks clean, but it is all over now. I don't have a single phoenix chick left, the little pekins are fine and look happy and healthy.

Hi Everyone...I'm still trying to figure out how to get around here but it shouldn't be to hard I hope! Anyway glad to be here looks like a lot of fun
Here's mine at 17 weeks!

This is my first go with chickens and I bought a variety. Now that I'm figuring out what breed each are I'm a little concerned our little Phoenix won't do so well this winter. Does anyone have any suggestions to help get her through the winters? It goes well below zero every year. Our coop is wired for a heat lamp so we have that covered. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Hi Ms Magoo, I have been raising Phoenix chickens for about 3 years now. Eventhough our winters never go below 0, it seems the Phoenix breed is very hardy. They also do really well in the 102 summers. Keep the heat lamp on on those cold spells and they should be fine. Very smart birds.
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