Let's share our chicken decor!


These are my vintage egg cartons I found on eBay

This is Little Jerry
I painted him with acrylics then put a dark wash over him then coated him up in an outdoor clear coat. Looking forward to seeing how he ages & gets chippy. He is concrete
Great job. I have a cement rooster and 2 cement hens in dire need of a facelift - you are motivating me to get out those paints:)

I have a raccoon statue painted by the lady who sold it to me about 20 years ago - he has always been in the shade and the original acrylic paint still look good.

But other items, even with outdoor clear coats, will fade quickly if they are left in full sun.

Maybe Jerry should be placed in a shady or covered area - he's too cute to fade.

Last, but not least at all, are my vintage wall rooster pair (cast iron I think, or at least pretty heavy metal) I bought a pair just like these at an auction for a friend long before I got into chickens. Now that I'm a chicken addict too I searched for some on eBay & found some!
Hers are a burnt orange color which is the only difference. I love my red roosters

Last, but not least at all, are my vintage wall rooster pair (cast iron I think, or at least pretty heavy metal) I bought a pair just like these at an auction for a friend long before I got into chickens. Now that I'm a chicken addict too I searched for some on eBay & found some!
Hers are a burnt orange color which is the only difference. I love my red roosters
love those cast iron roosters :)

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