Lets talk about goats!

I have a problem. I had goats born early morning. I normally help them to get nursing when I stick them under there and maybe move the udder towards them they always nurse.this one baby I've seen her nurse just once when I did this she drink off one nipple and then went to the other and drink of it. Ive tried this several more times and she wont drink. Ive seen her try and completly miss the nipples then no effort after that. Ive seen her almost grab a nipple then sniff the hair on the end of it and turn away. Is it possible she is just full and maybe nursing when im not around. I went and bought a bottle and a colostrum formula and she won't drink that either. I've tried to open her mouth and stick it in her mouth and she just resist. should I worry should I trust she's eating when I don't see it. Should I take her inside and try to bottle feed her. I'm not sure she would even eat or drink that

Feel her belly, if it feels full, don't worry about it. If it feels empty and her sides are really sunk in, I would start supplemental bottle feedings and keep trying to get her to nurse her mama.
Ok, so, I had a couple goats, then one died of old age about a month ago, well, the goat that's still alive is pregnant (I think), But after Her buddy died she started acting VERY weird. When i went to go into the pen the next day to see how she was ( I was expecting her to be sad since she just lost her buddy) She ran out of her house and started acting like a buck in CRAZY RUT, ( she has never done this and by nature is a very calm, laid back doe) She chased me wagging her tongue, snorting, pawing the air, hitting the back of my legs with her head, I was like "Woah!!! whats wrong with you????" Then she jumped up pinned me to the ground in all these crazy antics and started slamming her hooves into my chest ( I guess she was just pawing at me, but it hurt). Well I jumped up and and ran for the fence, thinking "what the heck is wrong with her??? is she rabid?" Then I got to the fence was starting to climb over when (your not going to believe this part) She caught up to me and somehow ( I don't know HOW) used her head/neck and leg/hove, curled them around my leg and jerked me off the fence!!! ( and she weighs about 130 lb so that was easy for her. Now probably know one believes me, but this all really did happened weird, but it happened. I was going to wait a couple months and let her give birth to her babies so that she wouldn't be so lonely without her buddy, ( since I kn

ow that you should always have at least 2 goat since they are herd animals) But should I get another goat to keep her company before then? I'm not sure I can survive much more of her craziness lol. I was offered by some good friends, some goats for free, ( after I told them the story I just told you) and have been wondering is I should take them up on their offer. Any ideas guys? I don't want to stress out my doe by her being all by herself. What do you think I should do???
P.S. here's a pic of my wacky goat.
@Corny Caleb
1.) Great pic. and 2.) WOAH!!!!!! I can't believe your goat actually threw you over the fence!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow. cra-zy. and 3.) I don't know much about goats, but one thing I do know, is that girls have hormones... and lots of them... and pregnancy produces more hormones than usual. so that might be one factor.
Those twins are silly. Their mom died during birth, there was a third and the owner didn't know. Mom died over night, and the girls were let till later the next morning. They drink their formula from a bowl, they won't take a bottle.
Ok, so, I had a couple goats, then one died of old age about a month ago, well, the goat that's still alive is pregnant (I think), But after Her buddy died she started acting VERY weird. When i went to go into the pen the next day to see how she was ( I was expecting her to be sad since she just lost her buddy) She ran out of her house and started acting like a buck in CRAZY RUT, ( she has never done this and by nature is a very calm, laid back doe) She chased me wagging her tongue, snorting, pawing the air, hitting the back of my legs with her head, I was like "Woah!!! whats wrong with you????" Then she jumped up pinned me to the ground in all these crazy antics and started slamming her hooves into my chest ( I guess she was just pawing at me, but it hurt). Well I jumped up and and ran for the fence, thinking "what the heck is wrong with her??? is she rabid?" Then I got to the fence was starting to climb over when (your not going to believe this part) She caught up to me and somehow ( I don't know HOW) used her head/neck and leg/hove, curled them around my leg and jerked me off the fence!!! ( and she weighs about 130 lb so that was easy for her. Now probably know one believes me, but this all really did happened weird, but it happened. I was going to wait a couple months and let her give birth to her babies so that she wouldn't be so lonely without her buddy, ( since I kn ow that you should always have at least 2 goat since they are herd animals) But should I get another goat to keep her company before then? I'm not sure I can survive much more of her craziness lol. I was offered by some good friends, some goats for free, ( after I told them the story I just told you) and have been wondering is I should take them up on their offer. Any ideas guys? I don't want to stress out my doe by her being all by herself. What do you think I should do??? :confused: P.S. here's a pic of my wacky goat.
I would probably get her a friend, but introduce them slowly. It might be more stressful for her being alone :/ I.hope you figure it out !
I would probably get her a friend, but introduce them slowly. It might be more stressful for her being alone
I.hope you figure it out !
Yeah, we are going to pick up another doe today. But I WILL watch them carefully to make sure everything is going as planed, and I do have another pen if they don't get along. So,thanks for the input.
@Corny Caleb
1.) Great pic. and 2.) WOAH!!!!!! I can't believe your goat actually threw you over the fence!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow. cra-zy. and 3.) I don't know much about goats, but one thing I do know, is that girls have hormones... and lots of them... and pregnancy produces more hormones than usual. so that might be one factor.
I was also thinking that since she's about 3 1/2 months into being pregnant that it COULD be some type of hormone shift. But what I'm scratching my head over, is how it happens a day after her buddy died. And am now thinking it's because she's lonely. But I was also thinking the same thing so thanks for the input.

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