Lets talk about goats!


Does anybody knw wat is wrong wit her milk bag she had one doe only drinking from one side I weaned her 1 month ago I didn't knw she was still letting her drink she is also breed back due in 2 weeks I checked for mastitis it's not hot I can milk it n the milk looks fine

If she only had one kid and she was not drinking from both sides it causes a lopsided udder. You should always milk the side that is not getting used to prevent a permanent lopsided udder. If she is breed and due in two weeks I would not be milking her, though. I am newer to goats so I am not sure if this is something that can be fixed after a certain amount of time, my single buckling nursed from both sides. You also should only breed your does one time a year in order to give their body some time to recooperate from having and nursing kids. She should be fine kidding again but if she were mine I would give her a long break after she kidded this time around. I bought 3 bred does and two of them were kidding back to back and the other one was very young, so I am giving them a year off and will not breed again until their kids are over a year old.
Oh, ok sorry I don't know if you can fix it at this point. Maybe someone with more experience can help. I made my does udder bras because I could not keep the kids from nursing they are 6 months old and so far they can not nurse with the ones I made.
Goats (and cows) are usually dried up two months before they are to freshen (give birth) again. The udder renews and repairs itself during this period. If you are milking this doe stop at once. If she continues to be milked she will not make any colostrum for the new babies.
Once an udder is full it must be milked normally, otherwise it becomes engorged and this can result in them never being milked properly again. The colostrum does not come down until the day of the kidding in does that are ' milking through '. If a goat is not milked when she becomes distended she may take matters in to her own hands and milk herself , (in order to avoid udder damage). I have seen leather collars or restraints used in milking goats to stop them from ' self sucking.'
I haven't milked her once
You haven't milked her, but you've let the previous kid keep drinking. Separate them completely. If the older kid is getting under the fence somehow, stop her from doing so. That doe needs to prepare for her newest set of kids on the way. She doesn't need to be losing precious energy to a leach.
my dad is talking my mom into getting a pair of Nigerian dwarfs tell me everything i need to know about them like what's a good feed what's a good age to get them can they free range with chickens and what's a good cheap way of building a home for them thanks :)

The most important thing with the Dwarfs is a good fence they cannot get through. When we first got Dwarfs one of the babies would zip under the gate and play on the road until someone came along. Fortunately we live on a dead end road and have almost no traffic. We ended up putting a goat panel on the fence to keep her in. They will need shelter, even a super big dog house will work. They will roam with chickens just fine. Mine run with chickens, cows, donkeys and big goats.

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