Lets talk about goats!

Cassie whilst I respect your opinion , Pat Colebys been at it awhile longer and so far her advice on goats , horses and cows has been invaluable. The sad fact is that most of it comes down to nutrition, and most goats that are in the final stages of life will actually be afflicted by entero. But that's a whole other debate.
My goats are fit and healthy and I trust yours are too and that's all that matters.
Cassie whilst I respect your opinion , Pat Colebys been at it awhile longer and so far her advice on goats , horses and cows has been invaluable. The sad fact is that most of it comes down to nutrition, and most goats that are in the final stages of life will actually be afflicted by entero. But that's a whole other debate.
My goats are fit and healthy and I trust yours are too and that's all that matters.
I don't want to start an entero debate. My point was simply that entero is an emergency a responsible goat owner can and should be prepared for rather than thinking because they are doing everything right their goats won't get it.. They might not. Then again they might.

I think the incidence of entero depends a whole lot on where you are. My experience on the coast was very different than my experience in the valley. And for the record, I never found age to be a factor other than I saw it more in young stock. Anything that throws the digestive tract off balance can allow the causative organism to proliferate. I remember once I was visiting a farm on business and while I was sitting on a bale of hay chatting with the owner one kid after another collapsed screaming with entero. Since we were right there the kids received prompt treatment. According to the owner there had been no change in feeding or anything else. However, it was a hot day and in my opinion the kids were far too crowded. We must have treated close to twenty kids in a period of a couple hours. I have never seen anything like that before or since. Don't want to either.

I no longer have goats. I no longer live in California either. But if I lost my mind and got some goats again I am sure my experience with entero and other health concerns would be very different here in Missouri than they were in California.
No argument here. As I said in my original statement entero is usually the result of nutrition and or stress. From coast to coast the pasture will vary and so will the magnesium and selenium levels in the soil. My pesky goats went through the fence yesterday and pruned the hedge.
Are goats really fun?
Answer>>> This is my Toggenburg goat Cookie, she loves to ride in the tractor (she gets to reach the higher leaves. The other day I took the dogs for a 2 mile hike through the woods (Cookie followed along) If I could house train her she'd be living in the house with us. Best farm animal I have. They're great!
Are goats really fun?
Answer>>> This is my Toggenburg goat Cookie, she loves to ride in the tractor (she gets to reach the higher leaves. The other day I took the dogs for a 2 mile hike through the woods (Cookie followed along) If I could house train her she'd be living in the house with us. Best farm animal I have. They're great!
So excited! I finally found someone local that keeps Nubians for milking and they said I could come out and give some a try! It will be my first time ever trying goat milk. I really hope I like it because I want to add a dairy doe or two (or more muhahahha) to the herd in the worst way. I would like to make soap and all the other great sounding stuff that you can make from it. Plus I would like to have them for when my other does start kidding since I had a lot of triplets and a quad, which I sold because milk replacer is through the roof (and I don't really like using the stuff to begin with.)
2/3 Boer goats (that I know are pregnant, we run our buck with our herd) have finally kidded! We had our first set of twins and then the other had single buckling! The twins were one male and one female!
We have made a table for our pygmies to jump on to get to the leaves. It is so cute to see them stand up right to reach though. :)

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